Application Development Trends' News

MIX08 Kicks Off With First IE 8 and Silverlight 2 Betas

Highly anticipated betas get a debut.

Enterprise Software Future Profiled in Report

A Forrester report describes software-as-a-service and open source solutions as potential agents for change.

Enterprise Software Future Profiled in Report

A newly released report from Forrester Research makes predictions about enterprise software trends within the forthcoming decade.

With Launch Show on Road, Microsoft Seeks Early Adoptors

One week after Microsoft officially launched the 2008 versions of Windows Server, Visual Studio and SQL Server, the company has taken its show on the road.

VSLive! San Francisco Preview: LINQ to SQL Q&A with Perry Birch

Perry Birch shares his take on the best LINQ to SQL features, and walks you through the biggest changes from ObjectSpaces and more.

Microsoft Expands Office Live Workspace Beta Worldwide

Online extension to Microsoft Office enables collaboration.

Standards Will Be Default in IE 8

Redmond changed course due to "Interoperability Principles," according Microsoft blogger.

Microsoft and Google Square Off for Long-Term SaaS Battle

Microsoft rolled out new software-as-a-service betas, while Google added to its Apps offerings.

Vista Pricing Cut Worldwide

Cost reductions will coincide with SP1 retail availability.

Study: The Year's Top-10 Web Application Vulnerabilities

Web applications top the list of security problems for IT, study says.

VMware Announces New Security APIs for Partners

APIs will support new VMsafe security solutions for virtual machines.

E-Mails Tell Tale of Intel, HP and Microsoft's Vista Capable Logo

Microsoft official suggested Vista Capable was associated with helping Intel's quarterly earnings.

Microsoft Takes SharePoint and Exchange Servers Online

Hosted application betas released as part of Microsoft Online Services.

Report: Microsoft Readying New SaaS Push

Blogger suggests Redmond is poised to move on its Software Plus Services strategy with construction of datacenters.

Sybase Updates Encryption Software for Windows Mobile Data

Solution is designed to facilitate file encryption on laptops.

Exchange Server 2007 Encounters Leap Year-Related Error

IT pros were stumped by end-of-February glitch.

McAfee Adds Secure Virtualization Service

Solution is designed to align security best practices with enterprise policies.

E-Mails Tell Tale of Intel, HP and Microsoft's Vista Capable Logo

The company's "Vista Capable" standard appears to have been partially influenced by decision to help Intel sell components with lower graphic capabilities.

OpSource Rolls Out SaaS App Integration Offering

Service lets application providers incorporate business services and legacy resources with their hosted apps.

FreeBSD 7.0 Open Source OS Released

Engineering team cites marked performance improvements over the last version.