Application Development Trends' News

Microsoft Investigating LocalSystem Access Bug

The bug reportedly allows authenticated users to elevate privileges on networks using some Windows operating systems.

Project Albany Moves Into Google Turf

Microsoft unveiled a new project to deliver a bundled suite of applications to consumer users as part of its "software plus services" strategy.

New Linux Kernel Arrives

Version 2.6.25 of the Linux kernel has been released.

Microsoft Plans MSDN Revamp

Microsoft is finally tuning up its Microsoft Developer Network site and promises to resolve long-running frustrations developers have encountered working with it.

Council Publishes Guidelines for Securing Customer Data Online

The PCI Security Standards Council this week announced plans to issue new guidelines that it hopes will give transaction application developers and security specialists a clear direction to the path of least resistance when it comes to assessing risks surrounding customer and vendor data -- most notably, credit card and payment information.

Hoax Subpoena E-Mails Shine Light on 'Spearphishing'

Hundreds of executives at some of America's most well-known companies received e-mails that they probably didn't want to get -- even if those messages weren't a hoax.

BizTalk RFID Mobile Unveiled

Microsoft announced a solution to help build mobile applications for radiofrequency identification use.

SQL Server 2005 SP3 Expected in Summer '08

Microsoft releases an incremental update in the mean time, Cumulative Update 7.

BizTalk RFID Mobile Unveiled

Microsoft today described its new platform to help developers more easily create mobile applications that make use of radiofrequency identification technology.

SOA Blog Watch 4/16: 'I've Got Middleware Hanging Out of My Middleware...'

Your guide to the latest read-worthy posts in the SOA blogosphere.

MySQL Keynote: An Open Source Love Fest

Sun's "secret agenda" in paying $1 billion for MySQL is to serve the open source community, says Sun's CEO.

Vista SP1 Expands Language Support, but Hits USB Snag

Microsoft has rolled out Vista Service Pack 1 in all supported language versions, but some existing SP1 users have had problems with USB-based devices after applying a security patch.

XP SP3 Release Rumors Continue

Rumors that Windows XP Service Pack 3 will appear this month continue to flourish.

Microsoft Courts Developers for Rebranded Windows Embedded Software

Company hopes to expand embedded development efforts on the .NET Framework.

The Return of Ada

Ada, used mostly by the aviation industry, is forgotten, but not gone.

First Look: IBM Lotus Symphony Beta 4

Office-like suite combines multiple programs into one.

Google and Salesforce Ratchet Up the CRM Competition

Integrated solution suggests potential threat to Microsoft's hosted CRM offering.

SQL Server 2008 To Offer Spatial Data Type Support

sQL Server 2008 offers new support for spatial data types that some analysts say should deliver a real boost to geospatial applications and data sharing.

Virtualization May Help With Windows Bloat

The next version of Windows may address some of the limitations seen in Vista.

CIOs See Declining IT Budgets in Q1

Only 10 percent of budgets showed an increase, according to Gartner survey.