Application Development Trends' News

Ballmer Has 'Nothing To Say' on Yahoo Deal

Microsoft is expected to announce further details this week on its Yahoo takeover plans.

Study: SaaS Most Important Enterprise Software Trend

Research firm says SaaS, SOA continue to be the most important technologies for "enterprise software customers."

Strangeloop Device Addresses Web App Performance Pains

New hardware appliance is designed to help accelerate the performance of Web services.

HP Boosts SOA Management Offerings

New capabilities added to HP's SOA software.

Gartner: Economic Woes Will Increase Offshoring

Research firm Gartner is predicting that the current economic downturn in the U.S. will mean more IT and development positions will go overseas.

SOA Blog Watch 4/30: SOA? WOA? Call the Whole Thing Off?

The blogosphere debates SOA vs. WOA -- both the techniques and the terms.

Open Source Search Site Acquired by Black Duck is slated to become another asset in Black Duck's software compliance toolset.

Glitch Postpones Windows XP SP3 Availability

The availability of new service pack for the Windows XP operating system has been postponed until Microsoft fixes an application compatibility problem.

Symphoniq Releases TrueView 2.0

Latest version features more RIA and Web 2.0 support.

Web Developers Left Holding the Bag on SQL Injection Attacks

Poor security practices are to blame, Microsoft says.

Vista Speech Macros Beta for Developers Released

Developers can code for actions based on simple voice commands.

Betas Boost Capabilities of Operations Manager 2007

Microsoft has enhanced its datacenter monitoring solution by releasing three public betas.

Web 2.0 Event Draws the Bleeding-Edge Cloud Crowd

Collaboration and social networking technologies may find space in the enterprise.

Cisco and Microsoft: Clash of the UC Titans

According to market watcher Infonetics Research, both Cisco Systems Inc. and Microsoft Corp. are tops, overall, in the UC space. In fact, buyers say that Cisco and Microsoft are their preferred Unified Messaging and Communicator suppliers.

Web Attacks on the Rise; E-mail Attacks Decline

According to a recent study from security and anti-virus specialist Sophos, servers in the U.S. and China host the lion's share of malware-infected Web sites. Meanwhile, Web attacks surged to an all-time high in the first quarter of this year, according to Sophos -- with no sign of dropping off any time soon.

Experts Focus on Future of U.S. Cybersecurity

Whoever becomes our next president will inherit a cyber infrastructure under almost constant attack and at greater risk than eight years ago, and a handful of experts and legislators have come together to ensure that cybersecurity has a high priority in his or her administration.

First Look: Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron'

Latest release includes a test utility that helps Microsoft Windows users try out the Linux-based operating system.

Microsoft Announces Extensibility Framework for .NET

Last week, Microsoft's .NET Framework program manager Krzysztof Cwalina announced that his team is working on a new framework for .NET -- Managed Extensibility Framework -- designed to improve compatibility with third-party extensions.

IDC: IT Budgets Down in 2008

IT execs are focusing on cutting costs rather than investing in technology this quarter, according to a report by research analysts at IDC.

Convergence Idea Gets Serious With Live Mesh, Analysts Say

Microsoft's Chief Architect lays out a strategy for a device-connected world.