JetBrains, the force behind the open-source Kotlin project, announced this week the availability of Kotlin M2.
Apple announced the next version of its mobile operating system, iOS 6, today on the opening day of its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco.
.NET solution vendor and Microsoft partner GrapeCity announced that it has acquired .NET component and tool vendor ComponentOne.
Microsoft's Windows Azure platform will be receiving support for both Linux and IaaS, and is refocusing its cloud offering as a hybrid product.
Hewlett-Packard announced this week that it is extending links to Amazon Web Services EC2 as well as its own forthcoming HP Cloud service.
Red Hat today announced the general availability of Red Hat CloudForms, a new open source, hybrid cloud platform aimed at heterogeneous enterprise environments.
Apple may be unveiling two new products, including a new version of the iPhone, this September, according to a popular blog.
Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.5 Release Candidates are now available for download for those with a "Go Live" license.
The 37 Java APIs at the center of the Oracle v. Google patent infringement lawsuit are not subject to copyright.
Oracle announced it will release its public cloud platform as a service (PaaS) on Wednesday, June 6.
Agile Web apps toolmaker OutSystems released the latest version of its Agile Platform environment earlier this month.
10gen announced this week that it has received a cash infusion of $42 million.
The latest data from IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker shows that more than 80 percent of smartphones are one of those two devices.
The company recently announced five new plugins, including a High Availability (HA) plugin.
A federal jury ruled unanimously on Wednesday that Google did not infringe on Oracle's Java-related patents when it developed its Android operating system.
The ZK Application Test Suite, or ZATS Mimic 1.0, is designed to let developers create their own application test cases without having to deploy their apps to a server and test them with a browser.
Sonatype on Wednesday unveiled a new continuous integration (CI) component for its evolving Insight tool suite.
The code repository and collaboration Web site GitHub is releasing a desktop app that works on Windows versions as far back as Windows XP and as current as pre-release versions of Windows 8.
It's not SQL versus NoSQL anymore, according to Starcounter, which earlier this week announced what it calls the "world's fastest consistent database."
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has disclosed plans to offer a certification program for providers of cloud-based products and services.