.NET News & More

.NET & Beyond: Confronting .NET myths

Many misconceptions about .NET revolve around the issue of Web services. It is worth the effort to clear things up, says David Chappell.

Web services: The next big thing?

Software developers rush to transform Web services from concept to solution. A look at the strategies of key IT suppliers.

Standards turf wars scale back

Tony Baer: "In development organizations, the intensity of vendor competition tends to politicize technology decisions. Today, choosing between Java and Microsoft technologies often equates to picking sides in a gang war."

Create Custom Performance Counters

Create Custom Performance Counters

Visual Studio .NET puts MS security push to test

Lost in the energetic hyperbole surrounding its roll out is the fact that Visual Studio .NET is the first Microsoft product to emerge from the company's new Trustworthy Computing initiative.

Gates and Co. roll out Visual Studio .NET

Billing it as nothing less than the 'most comprehensive development tool of all time,' Microsoft Chief Software Architect Bill Gates today rolled out the long anticipated Visual Studio .NET software suite at the VSLive! 2002 Conference in San Francisco.

Tuning into .NET

Microsoft has always targeted its technologies at a wide audience of developers. Now, .NET tools are coming into view that may match or surpass tools and methods long used by the competing Java developer community.

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