.NET News & More

Integrate Java and .Net

Both major platforms push Web services as a means of integrating applications across platforms. Check out another alternative that tightly integrates Microsoft code with Java apps.

Review: CodeRush

Want to supercharge your Visual Studio .NET development? My pick of utilities these days is Developer Express' CodeRush.

On the demise of .NET, and other poppycock

Some people would have you believe that the entire .NET edifice is about to collapse, revealed as nothing more than an exercise in aggressive marketing. Don't you believe them.

ProPath Deploys Sybase RFID Technology to Streamline Laboratory

Processes don't get much more hands-on than the work carried out in a specialized branch of the clinical laboratory services industry known as anatomic pathology. In most AP labs, the procedures for processing the hundreds of bits of skin, gallbladder, breast lumps, and other tissue specimens that flow into the facilities every day are carried out by specially trained technologists. Each specimen must be described, sectioned, dehydrated, and embedded into small blocks of paraffin that are sliced for slides. As they are traditionally carried out, manually, these procedures are both time-consuming and vulnerable to human error.

News bits

Let's start the week with a few short items to clear out my mail bag. This time around I've got the latest word from PreEmptive Solutions, Salesforce.com, and SYWARE.

Microsoft Previews Indigo at VSLive

Microsoft gave attendees at last week's VSLive conference in San Francisco a closer look at its new Web services-oriented "Indigo" communications infrastructure. During his conference keynote, Microsoft SVP Eric Rudder described Indigo as "a natural extension to the .Net Framework," which will enable developers to build more secure, reliable, and interoperable applications.

Would you like a slice of FUD with your Java?

James Gosling recently claimed that .NET had a giant security hole. Personally, I wish he'd checked the FUD at the door.

Review: Visible Developer

If you're looking for an approach to building .NET applications that doesn't have you grubbing around in code immediately, take a look at Visible Developer. Its excellent design tools and comprehensive code generation make it possible to turn databases ino 3-tier applications with ease.

Book Review: eXtreme .NET

Extreme Programming and .NET burst on to the development field at about the same time. In this book, Dr. Neil Roodyn shows you the first steps in combining the two.

Review: SmartOutline 2005

Everyone needs a place to store unstructured information. There are choices galore out there, from simple text files to Microsoft OneNote to OPML-based outlines. SmartOutline 2005 aims to shake up the outlining market with a flexible .NET plugin-based architecture.

Review: patterns & practices Enterprise Library

Microsoft used to just hand us compilers and tools, but somewhere along the way they realized that things had gotten too complex for many developers to know how best to use these tools. Enter the Enterprise Library, the latest set of useful code blocks packaged up as prescriptive guidance by Microsoft's Patterns & Practices group.

Review: DevPartner Fault Simulator

You know, of course, that your code should be catching and properly handling exceptions. But how do you test that part of the code? DevPartner Fault Simulator provides an elegant solution for the .NET developer, injecting exceptions deliberately and watching how your application handles them.

Review: ActiPro SyntaxEditor .NET

If you've ever tried to implement a full-featured editing control that keeps up with the state of the IDE art, you know that it's not a simple job. In fact, it's not a job you should do at all if you're using .NET. Instead, look to ActiPro to have it already done for you.

Review: Codus

Interest in code generation is running high these days: it's a natural way to get more done in less time with today's complex development environments. Codus offers a new, free way to generate code for .NET applications.

Consulting in a good cause

Need some .NET consulting? Want to make the world a better place at the same time? Have I got a deal for you!

Microsoft and SAP unveil new PDK for SAP enterprise portal

The recently expanded relationship between Microsoft and SAP bore fruit last week in the form of a new portal development kit (PDK). The PDK for Microsoft .NET is designed to make it easier for programmers using the Visual Studio .NET IDE to develop, test, and deploy applications that run within the SAP Enterprise Portal.

Review: Instrumentation Studio for .NET

Need some industrial-looking controls that aren't overwhelmed by the current lickable, semi-transparent interface trends? This set may be just what your user interface ordered.

Global IPTV .NET software provider opens channel to Java

If you had 90 days to port IPTV software from Microsoft .NET to Java running on Tomcat, you’d have a problem Noam Fogel knows well. Fogel is vice president of research and development for Infogate Online Ltd., a Tel Aviv, Israel-based provider of software used by telcos and cable operators to offer video and games on demand to their customers.

Book Review: The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security

It's pretty hard to be a developer these days and not think about security. But many of us are having to catch up all of a sudden on the intricate and confusing details of the Windows security infrastructure. Keith Brown's new book makes learning what you need to know much, much easier.

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