.NET News & More

Eclipse Announces New Runtime Initiative Around Equinox

Developers will be able to write or choose components across tiers and platforms.

What's New in IE 8?

Microsoft's latest Web browser beta includes new development tools and AJAX enhancements, plus features for users.

Excel Patch Causing Calculation Errors

Microsoft's security fix added a bug that is associated with the use of real-time data.

Microsoft and Adobe Agree on Mobile Flash Licensing

Deal will enable Flash Lite animations and facilitate PDF reading on mobile smartphones.

U.S. Votes for Modified OOXML Standards

The U.S. "Yea" vote on Microsoft's XML document format will be added to a final tally on March 29.

Microsoft Launches Accessibility Portal for Developers

Web site provides tools to help test accessibility features in applications.

Atalasoft Updates Photo and Document Imaging Toolkit

Toolkit helps scan Web and desktop application.

Windows Home Server Data Corruption Fix Coming in June

Problem is caused by a clash between Microsoft's NTFS file system and Home Server's file system mini-filter drivers.

Gates to Congress: Improve Math, Science Education

Microsoft's Chairman says the United States is facing a shortfall in scientists and engineers.

Microsoft Reveals OOXML SDK Roadmap

SDK beta is expected to be released as soon as April.

Report: Yahoo and Microsoft in 'Informal Talks' About Merger

An unnamed source suggests talks continue.

Microsoft's Open Spec Is Bad for GPL, Law Group Says

Analysis by the Software Freedom Law Center states that Microsoft's open specification promise provides "no assurance to GPL developers."

Mono Project To Release Dev Tool and New Beta

Solutions help port Microsoft .NET apps to Linux.

Microsoft To Acquire Desktop Virt Vendor Kidaro

Redmond sets its sights on desktop virtualization solution vendor.

Convergence 2008 Highlights Useability and Services

Office-like interface and customer deployment options emphasized at Microsoft Dynamics users' event.

Nortel, Microsoft Add to Joint Unified Communications Line

New products are based on the companies' collaboration on server integration.

Lawsuit May Have Driven Vista Virtualization

Court document states that Vista was opened to virtualization in response to a Phoenix Technologies lawsuit.

Murdoch Out; Yahoo Continues Fighting Microsoft

News Corp. buyout of Yahoo won't happen, Chairman says.

Patch Tuesday Fixes Critical Excel, Outlook, Web Component and Office Flaws

Security problems in Microsoft Office suite addressed in latest patches.

Sun-Microsoft Collab Results in Interop Center

Both companies also develop guidelines for implementing Exchange Server 2007 on Sun server and storage hardware.

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