iOS/Android/WP7 Development

iPad Impacts .NET Developers

Apple's new tablet PC was announced amid a roar of pre-release hype. What does it mean for .NET developers?

AT&T Joins Group To Address Java ME Fragmentation

AT&T has joined the board of directors of Java Verified, an IT industry group that promotes testing standards for Java ME applications.

Ballmer Highlights Two Screens at CES Talk

Ballmer's talk at the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show consisted primarily of incremental announcements and positioning statements, but there were no major surprises.

Google's Nexus One Looks To Reshape Smartphone Market

Google on Tuesday launched the Nexus One, a touch-based smartphone that boasts many of the features of Apple's iPhone as well as some new features.

Microsoft Reveals Strategy for Mobile Developers

Microsoft today revealed plans to offer tooling and guidance on its developer portal.

Eclipse Launches Effort To Define Standard Mobile Dev Tools

Pulsar aims to create a standard mobile application development tools platform based on the open source Eclipse framework.

Startup Looks To Overcome Limitations of Java-Based Phones

Everypoint is courting mobile developers looking to build rich client applications on low-cost Java-based phone sets.

Adobe Advances Mobile Efforts

Adobe this week advanced its effort to provide a common runtime across desktop, Web and mobile environments.

Microsoft Debuts Windows Mobile 6.5 But Is Mum on Future

Microsoft plans to give the Windows Mobile platform a facelift, which includes the launch of My Phone and a developer site called Windows Marketplace for Mobile.

Sun Releases JavaFX Mobile

Sun Microsystems released a follow-up to its recently released JavaFX platform with its anticipated mobile edition.

Google Licenses Microsoft's ActiveSync

Google has licensed a patent from Microsoft that will allow synchronization of Exchange Server and the popular Gmail service.

Microsoft Readies MyPhone Service

Microsoft over the weekend acknowledged it is planning a service that will allow users of its Windows Mobile operating system to synchronize data on their devices with the Web.

Windows Mobile Development Slowed in Second Half of 2008

The iPhone and Google's Android mobile platforms are cutting into the market for devices based on Windows Mobile.

Sun Outlines Java Mobile Strategy

Sun's recent Java Mobile, Media and Embedded Developer Days conference offered a 10,000-foot view of the company's vision.

Ubuntu ARMed for Mobile Expansion

Netbooks and mobile computers will soon be able to run the Ubuntu operating system with additional energy efficiency.

Bloomberg Launches Windows Mobile App

Customers of Bloomberg LP's real-time market data who have long been receiving feeds on their BlackBerrys can now receive them on their Windows Mobile-based devices, thanks to a recently completed development effort.

iPhone 3G, New Mobile Apps Debut at Apple WWDC 2008

During his keynote address at Apple's annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) Monday, CEO Steve Jobs debuted the company's new iPhone 3G, an update to the popular mobile phone and computing device set for delivery July 11. Developers also took the stage during the keynote to show off new technologies arriving for the platform.

Microsoft Unveils Mobile Solutions at CTIA

Microsoft unveiled three additions to its mobile product lines at the CTIA Wireless 2008 event today, with much of the emphasis being placed on enabling custom mobile solutions for the enterprise.

Mobile Routing Protocol Advances

The Naval Research Laboratory researchers are helping develop a set of routing protocols for setting up mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs).

Tech Giants Woo Developers Seeking JavaScript Turf

The software tools war is getting more interesting as Microsoft-Google square off with Volta vs. GWT and Adobe seeks to preserve its dominance in dynamic app development technology.