iOS/Android/WP7 Development

Nokia Donates Java Runtime to Symbian Foundation

In an effort to make it easier for Java developers to build applications for its Symbian-based mobile devices, Nokia is contributing the 2.1 version of its Java Runtime implementation to the open source Symbian Foundation.

Survey: iPhone Users Most Satisfied, More Willing To Pay for Apps

Latest AdMob study also looks at global market, how Pre is stacking up.

Microsoft Kills Kin Phone

After only two months on the market, Microsoft pulling the plug on its line of social media-friendly phones.

Android Market Frustrates Developers

Developers for Google's mobile platform are growing increasingly frustrated by disappearing applications, purchasing issues and other problems stemming from the Android Market.

Flash: New Android Release Offers What Apple Won't

Flash and tethering have been added.

Flash: Android 2.2 Release Offers What Apple Won't

Google's latest update of its mobile operating system offers two features the iPhone doesn't -- tethering and Flash support.

Marketing and Selling Mobile Apps: A 101 Primer

Mobile analytics vendor offers developers tips and tricks for making money on your smartphone applications.

Android Surges Into Second Place

The open-source Android smartphone market just hit a milestone of sorts: it surpassed the iPhone in popularity, moving into the second overall spot behind industry leader RIM OS (BlackBerry).

Analysts: HP Buyout of Palm Good for Both Companies

With the announcement that HP is snapping up the once-dominant PDA manufacturer, Palm's webOS platform has been given a jolt of electricity to re-start its heart.

HP To Acquire Palm

Hewlett-Packard Co. said today it has agreed to acquire Palm Inc., credited with creating the smart-phone, for $1.2 billion.

Palm Loses Software Chief

Palm suffered another blow when the head of its software and services division recently tendered his resignation.

Twitter Reassures Developers at First DevCon

When Twitter CEO Evan Williams took that stage at the company's first-ever developer conference in San Francisco last week, he reassured developers that the spotlight-grabbing startup wouldn't be competing with them.

iPhone Dev How-To: Working With Application Settings In Monotouch

A step-by-step tutorial on working with application settings when using Novell's Monotouch for iPhone and iPad development.

Smartphone Development Is More Than Just iPhone

Although it's clear that the iPhone platform is still the place to be for mobile developers, results from a recent Ovum survey indicate that there's a lot of development activity around all the major platforms.

iPad Development Surges Ahead

The release of the iPad has been hyped like no product since, well, the last new Apple gadget, the industry-transforming iPhone.

iPhone Coming to Verizon?

Speculation is rampant that Apple is developing an iPhone that will work on Verizon's cell network.

Cisco Announces 'Borderless' Security at RSA

Cisco announced its Secure Borderless Network architecture, which the company is positioning as a reconceptualization of enterprise security.

iPad's Platform Impact

By many accounts, the Apple iPad has been a disappointment -- even Apple "fanboy" bloggers and tweeters have proclaimed themselves underwhelmed.

Developers Await Windows Phone 7 Specs

Microsoft's new Windows Phone 7 Series raises questions for ISVs, partners, developers and enterprise customers.

Microsoft Revamps Mobile Strategy with Windows Phone 7

Microsoft has launched an ambitious new mobile platform that is a major departure from its existing Windows Mobile offering.