iOS/Android/WP7 Development

Is a Facebook Phone Coming?

Facebook says "No," but others are saying "Yes."

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Dev Tools Released

The final versions of the free Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools for building Silverlight and XNA applications are available for download—just weeks before the first devices are expected at retail.

Games Claim Most Popular Mobile App Category

Developers looking for the most popular category of smartphone applications need only think one word: games.

Apple Opens Up iOS Development Process

Apple has made significant changes to its iOS development guidelines, in addition to providing guidance to developers on how to give their apps the best chance of being accepted into its App Store.

Apple iOS 4.1 Update Adds Features, Fixes Bugs

Apple is set to release the first major update to iOS 4 -- the current operating system on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad -- sometime today.

Palm Updates webOS

Palm has unveiled the next generation of its mobile OS platform -- webOS 2.0 -- and made the SDK available via the SDK Early Access Program.

Nokia Acquires Analytics Tool for Mobile Java Devs

The wireless giant said it has signed an agreement to acquire Motally, a San Francisco-based provider of a mobile analytics software.

The Myth of 'Write a Mobile App, Make a Mint'

Can developers make money on mobile applications?

Android Market Deletes Nazi Apps

A recent application featuring Nazi themes was jack-booted off the Android Market, proving that, while still being much more open than Apple's AppStore, there is a limit to what can be published and promoted.

Oracle Sues Google Over Java IP in Android Phones

On Thursday, Oracle filed a lawsuit against Google, claiming that, in developing its Android mobile operating system, the Internet search giant infringed on seven patents associated with the Java Platform.

Android Moves Into Third Place Worldwide

Android's rocket-like trajectory in the smartphone market continues, as it's muscled out the iPhone and moved into third place worldwide among smartphone OSes.

Agile Apps for U.S. Army

The U.S. Army found a way to fight the sluggishness of traditional software development that's slowed even further by legendary government bureaucracy: go Agile.

Developers Say Time Constraints, Poor Testing Top Project Challenges

In a new survey, more than half f application developers say they don't have enough time to complete their work and nearly a third said testing is their top challenge.

Early Windows Phone 7 Previews Mostly Positive

With working prototypes of Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 in the hands of developers, and the software now at the technical preview stage, substantive judgments of the phone can be made.

Report: iPhone Users Most Loyal

The Android platform is hot right now, but if you really want to make money as a mobile developer, Apple's iPhone is still the place to be.

Does Android's Open Platform Hurt Developers?

A developer of applications for the iPhone and iPad feels that Google's Android platform is too open, making it difficult for developers to write apps.

Nexus One Phone Rides Into Sunset

Google's flagship Android platform phone, the Nexus One, will soon be off the market in the U.S.

Rally Buys Agile iPhone App, Makes It Free

Rally Software last week announced it purchased an iPhone app that lets users manage Agile development projects remotely and has reduced its price from $15 to free.

App Surgeries Publicly Review Android Apps

If you're an application developer for Android with a thick skin, you may be able to get your app reviewed publicly by a Google employee.

New Java IDE: Google App Inventor for Android

Google has released a new Java development environment aimed at the non-coder developer who wants to build applications for the Android operating system.