iOS/Android/WP7 Development

Future of Java 'Constrained by Oracle's Business Model,' Analysts Say

The future of Java under the stewardship of Oracle will be shaped by that company's business model, say Forrester Research analysts.

Mueller Defends Java Android Code Claims; Analysts Weigh In

A headline-grabbing claim of the discovery of new evidence supporting Oracle's allegation that Google infringed on copyrights related to the Java Platform in its Android mobile operating system sparked a hot debate in the blogosphere over the weekend.

Black Hat: How iPhone, Android, Other GSM Phones Are Vulnerable To Attack

A demonstration of an attack against an Apple iPhone at the Black Hat Technical Security DC 2011 Conference in Arlington, Va., demonstrated that software in many GSM-based smart phones contains vulnerabilities that could open the phones to remote exploits.

Report: Hackers Shifting Attention to Mobile Devices

Scammers have set their sights on tablets and smartphones, and away from Windows desktops, in response to rising consumer demand for mobile devices.

Verizon iPhone 4 Coming in February

What has long been rumored and suspected is now a fact: Verizon customers will soon be able to get their very own iPhone.

Android Continues To Gain Momentum

By the end of 2010, it's likely that Android will have surpassed the iPhone in U.S. market share, becoming the second-most popular smartphone platform, and on its way to becoming No. 1 sometime next year.

Phone Home: Cisco Makes First Space-Routed IP Call

Cisco has taken two significant steps in space-based communications, with the first-ever upgrade of an IP router aboard a commercial satellite while in orbit, and the first voice over IP call made from a satellite that did not require any ground-based infrastructure to route the call.

Google Updates Android Market

Google knows that the success of its Android mobile OS will rise or fall with the success of the applications being built for it, so earlier this month it announced some improvements.

Android Sales Double-Up iPhone

Android smartphone outsold its closest rival, Apple's iPhone, by a nearly two-to-one margin in the third quarter of this year, according to NPD.

Microsoft Focuses on Windows Phone, IE 9, Cloud in PDC Keynote

Microsoft kicked off its 2010 Professional Developers Conference (PDC) today by offering developers worldwide an update on its emerging cloud computing, Windows Phone and Internet Explorer 9 development platforms.

Popping Off About Mobile App Development: Q&A with PopCap's Plamen Dragozov

Popcap's director of mobile engineering talks about the pros and cons of developing its games for the three top smartphone platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7.

MyEclipse for Spring Released

The new MyEclipse for Spring STS Edition is designed to allow developers to use their code anyway they want without vendor or aspects lock-in.

Report: Verizon iPhone Coming in 2011

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is finally giving up its iPhone monogamy and inviting Verizon to the dance as well.

Google's Android Market Store Faces New Threat from Amazon

Amazon still won't comment, but evidence is building up that a competitor to Google's Android Market is on the horizon from the Internet retailer, although developers may not like the stricter requirements.

RIM Launches New BlackBerry App Dev Platforms for Enterprise, Web, Social

Research in Motion (RIM) unveiled a new enterprise development platform at its annual developer conference in San Francisco this week, along with a new Web development platform, a new "social platform," an advertising service, a new set of analytics services and other tools and services.

Q&A: iPhone Development on MonoTouch

MonoTouch developer and book author Wallace McClure discusses the evolving arena of Mono-based application development for the iPhone.

Developers More Optimistic About Android's Long-Term Future than iPhone's

Developers see more long-term potential for Android than iPhone, according to a survey of more than 2,300 developers of mobile device applications.

JavaOne 2010 Round-Up: Oracle's Plans for Java SE, JavaFX, Eclipse Sapphire, More

The first JavaOne Conference since Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems may have been stuffed into the Hilton Hotel, a half mile from its usual Moscone Center environs, but it still managed to deliver some useful sessions, worthwhile keynotes and plenty of vendor announcements.

Potential Facebook Phone Not Denied by CEO

The "Facebook phone" rumors gained more credibility with a Bloomberg report that quoted "three people familiar with the matter" as saying that the social-networking behemoth is working on two phones, and that AT&T may be the carrier.

Verizon App Store To Compete with Android Market

Verizon Wireless has opened up its own app store, V CAST Apps, to the Android crowd and is inviting developers to submit apps for inclusion.