iOS/Android/WP7 Development

Sun Veterans Create SDK for Native Java on the iPhone

Codename One is developing a new SDK designed to allow Java developers to create native applications for multiple mobile/tablet platforms.

New Component Marketplace for Mobile App Dev Opens

Deutsche Telekom has launched Developer Garden, a marketplace for components for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and HTML5 mobile development.

Google Unveils Android OS 4.1, Tablet & Nexus 'Q,' Offers Project Glass Prototypes at Annual I/O DevCon

Google reached out to developers at its annual I/O event Wednesday with a spate of announcements that included a new version of its Android mobile operating system, a new Google-branded tablet, its first fully home-grown piece of hardware (a sphere!), and a spectacular demonstration of the potential of Project Glass.

Survey: One-Third of Developers Below 'App Poverty Line'

About a third of all mobile developers live below the "app poverty line," where they can't make enough money on applications to serve as their sole source of income.

Open Source Developer Survey: Java Still on Top, Mobile Hot, Cloud Not

There are some surprising findings in The Eclipse Foundation's annual survey of developers about their usage of open source tools.

JVM-Targeted Kotlin M2 Released

JetBrains, the force behind the open-source Kotlin project, announced this week the availability of Kotlin M2.

Apple Announces iOS 6, Releases SDK for Developers

Apple announced the next version of its mobile operating system, iOS 6, today on the opening day of its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco.

Report: New iPhone, iPad Launching in September

Apple may be unveiling two new products, including a new version of the iPhone, this September, according to a popular blog.

IDC: Android, iPhone Running Away with Smartphone Market

The latest data from IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker shows that more than 80 percent of smartphones are one of those two devices.

Oracle v. Google Verdict: No Patent Infringement

A federal jury ruled unanimously on Wednesday that Google did not infringe on Oracle's Java-related patents when it developed its Android operating system.

XobotOS Replaces Java With C#

A new project from Xamarin has replaced the Java code underpinning the Android OS with C# code.

RIM Announces BlackBerry 10, Woos Devs with $10K Per App Pledge

Research in Motion (RIM) Tuesday announced the BlackBerry 10, a new smartphone clearly aimed at regaining the market share it's been hemorrhaging over the last few years to market leaders iPhone and Android.

Android Continues To Hold Half the U.S. Smartphone Market

Android continues to be the leading mobile OS with more than half of the U.S. smartphone market, according to the latest data from metrics firm comScore.

New Open Source Mobile/Touch Project Comes to the Java Community

Potix Corporation, the creator and chief commercial supporter of the open source ZK framework, recently unveiled a new community project: ZK Touch.

Titanium Cross-Mobile Dev Platform Updated for Cloud

Appcelerator, a Mountain View, Calif.-based mobile platform company, has just released a new version of its open source Titanium application development platform.

Amazon Appstore Adds In-App Purchasing API

The Amazon third-party developer community, which has been growing quickly through the success of the Kindle Fire, is likely to pick up even more steam with its announcement of the In-App Purchasing API.

Spring Framework Extensions Now Compatible with Spring 3.1

VMware recently announced that all major extensions to its Spring Framework are now compatible with the latest version of the Spring open source Java development framework.

Suit Alleges App Makers Siphoning User Info

According to a lawsuit filed in a Texas court this week, makers of some of the most popular mobile apps are collecting user information without the consumer's consent.

New Open Source Mobile Testing Platform for iOS and Android

Gorilla Logic this week released MonkeyTalk, a free and open source tool for testing native and hybrid apps built for both iOS and Android.

Windows Embedded Standard 8 Gets Preview Version

Microsoft has announced the release of Windows Embedded Standard 8's community test preview (CTP) for download.