iOS/Android/WP7 Development

Explosive Growth Seen in Connected Devices Development

Trade shows, jobs reports, developer surveys and industry analysts all point to connected device development for the Internet of Things as being one of the hottest niches in mobile development for the coming year.

New Syncfusion Release Adds Android, iOS Controls

Traditional Windows toolmaker Syncfusion has for the first time added Android and iOS controls to its flagship studio product.

WebRTC Is New Factor in Mobile, Web Development

It might be a bit early to proclaim 2015 the "Year of WebRTC," but the nascent Web Real-Time Communication technology seems to be gaining significant traction early on.

App Quality Stats Guide Mobile Developers

Applause has provided app quality stats for the health and fitness industry, one of the hottest areas of mobile development, to guide coders.

Struggling in Mobile, Microsoft Offers Dev Tips, Mulls Android Embrace

Microsoft, still struggling as a distant No. 3 in the mobile app OS wars, provided statistics about its Windows Phone Store app downloads and offered tips to developers to maximize success.

Android Coding Revamp Continues with Go Upgrade

From traditional coding with Java in the venerable Eclipse IDE, the new normal for Android app development may soon be programming with the young Go language in the brand-new Android Studio.

Survey Shows Mobile Developers Struggling with App UIs

A new survey shows problems with UI development cause project delays and cancelations and poor user adoption for apps that do get published.

Google: Android Studio 1.0 Release Replaces Eclipse IDE/Tools Plug-in

For months Google had warned Android developers that the official IDE for programming in Java against its popular mobile OS would eventually become its own Android Studio, supplanting the venerable Eclipse IDE and its Android Developer Tools (ADT) plug-in -- and that day came yesterday.

Mobile App Analytics Gains Developer Spotlight

Besides coding and monetization, a third key component of mobile app success has lately been gaining increasing attention in the development industry: analytics

AppGyver Says New Mobile HTML5 Framework Matches Native Performance

Mobile development tool maker AppGyver yesterday introduced a new framework called Supersonic that the company claims achieves the Holy Grail of advanced HTML5-based hybrid apps: performance parity with native apps.

Android Security Continues to Challenge Mobile Developers

Ongoing security vulnerabilities on the Android mobile platform are still plaguing developers, and the bad guys are even making inroads on iOS attacks, according to a new report from Trend Micro Inc.

Mobile Predictions: JavaScript Talent Needed for Web Composition Trend

Facing a crucible of providing more sophisticated apps in shorter cycles, mobile front-end developers will be forced to rely on composition -- using prebuilt code components instead of coding all functionality from scratch, according to predictions from analyst firm Forrester Research Inc.

Microsoft Launches Plugin for IntelliJ Java IDE and Android Studio

The Microsoft Open Technologies group has released an initial preview of a new plugin for JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE and the open-source Android Studio IDE.

HP Mobile Center Targets App Testing

The new HP Mobile Center integrates with the company's application lifecycle management (ALM) tools to provide on-premises mobile app testing in real-world networking conditions on actual devices.

Sencha App Platform Adds Desktop, Android Features

With app management platforms proliferating in the new mobile-first era, Sencha Inc. has added some new twists to its offering such as including desktop applications in the mix and addressing the "Android fragmentation" problem with its Web-based cross-platform approach.

Survey Shows Big Disconnect Between Mobile Devs, Bosses

The latest mobile development survey from Appcelerator Inc. shows a "sometimes dramatic" disconnect between the realities of coders on the front lines compared with those of IT decision makers, especially concerning the areas of project ownership and tools used.

Infragistics Updates Ultimate Toolkit

Cross-platform UI toolmaker Infragistics has released an update of its Ultimate toolkit that includes new and expanded features aimed at developers building "Microsoft Office-inspired," touch-enabled, high-performance business apps.

Survey Shows Firms Confounded by Lack of Mobile App Developers

Enterprise developers are having a tough time keeping up with the demand for mobile apps in the new "mobile-first" era, according to a new survey.

Twitter Launches Fabric Kits for Mobile App Developers

Finally catching up with social media giants like Facebook Inc. and Google Inc., Twitter Inc. today unveiled its own mobile app developer platform.

Mendix App Platform Integrates with PhoneGap for Cross-Platform Mobile Development

One-click integration with PhoneGap for native packaging of hybrid cross-platform mobile apps suitable for app stores is among the new features of the Mendix enterprise app platform introduced today.