How can one be sure that they have tested everything in their products, when one never knows how people are going to connect them to different devices from different vendors?
Macromedia Inc. has announced the immediate
availability of Macromedia JRun 4 for Mac OS X, a J2EE-compatible application server.
A roundup of tools and technologies.
Ovum Ltd. consultant Gary Barnett gives his unique take on one of the technologies getting the most hype among the press, industry analysts and technology vendors today.
Highly touted at first, interest in Java applets faded away with the cry of "client-side Java is dead" -- but our expert points out that the technology is still the best for some key roles.
Reports of the death of Java applets and client-side Java are premature. In some cases, developers are still far better off using
Java applets over Microsoft technologies, despite having to download and install a plug-in from Sun.
Who is to blame when Java apps perform badly? EJBs on the fritz, JDBC connects that dawdle, leaking JVMs: All this and more lurks over the development-deployment wall.
A federal judge said he is prepared to grant Sun Microsystems’ request for an injunction requiring Microsoft Corp. to distribute Sun’s Java plug-in as part of its Windows XP operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser. -Dec.23
A federal judge said he is prepared to grant Sun Microsystems’ request for an injunction requiring Microsoft Corp. to distribute Sun’s Java plug-in as part of its Windows XP operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser. -Dec.23
The Eclipse standards consortium has launched an effort to allow the integration of testing and other automated software quality tools from multiple vendors.
SCO Group has unveiled Version 7.1.3 of its UnixWare operating system software.
Don't count out struggling Sun Microsystems Inc. in its battles with IBM, Microsoft and others, contends James Gosling, the creator of the Java programming language and one of Sun Microsystems Inc.'s best known engineers.
Many developers will never write a single pattern, read one of the many pattern books available or attend a Pattern Languages of Programs conference. These people need to be convinced of the merits of patterns before
they will ever use them.
Quest Software has released JClass ServerViews 3.0, a set of server-side components that offer XML support for Web services developers.
Oracle has released its Oracle9i JDeveloper Version 9.0.3. IDE, which makes available a number of improvements that better position the product as an enterprise tool in a very competitive Java tools market.
Phaos Technology Corp. has released a Java-based toolkit for implementing Liberty 1.0.
Borland Software is continuing its software tool buying spree. The company has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Java design and analysis tool maker TogetherSoft for about $185 million in cash and stock.
Sun discloses that it will not only join the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I)organization, but plans to run for election to the organization's newly expanded board.
IBM has updated WebSphere Studio to support Version 2.0 of the open-source Eclipse tools plug-in IDE, Version 1.3 of the J2EE standard and Version 1.4 of the Sun JDK.
A list of Web sights providing frameworks and libraries to help you build your own tests.