Java & Eclipse

Wireless Development: Sun offers new RFID software

Sun Microsystems Inc. roll out its first radio frequency identification (RFID) software product and Sun officials said the new Java System RFID Software is designed to simplify the integration of RFID data into enterprise information systems and to reduce the complexity of managing the massive amounts of data expected to result from the proliferation of this technology.

Can EJB be fixed?

The lack of widespread use and the long learning curve for EJBs has prompted Sun and its partners in the JCP to work on simplifying the EJB model in its next iteration (Version 3.0) in an effort to make the technology more mainstream.

Vendor tool approaches to easing EJB development

Various J2EE toolmakers have worked in recent years to ease the task of developing for the J2EE platform. Perhaps only a few of their advances have had much effect to date on EJB design, which is for some shops a key part of J2EE.

Simple EJB: Is it ready yet?

There is a growing recognition -- even among the Java faithful -- that it is necessary to simplify the technology to win converts. This will happen with the next version of EJB, Version 3.0.

JCP: A watched pot never boils

Over the years, there has been some criticism leveled at the JCP, from things taking too long to various pieces of the Java pie being dominated by a few large vendors (notably Sun and IBM). The JCP is aware of these issues and is working to help smaller companies and individuals take on leadership roles.

User story: Raytheon on track

Raytheon’s development team uses WRQ’s Verastream to encapsulate host logic and data via Web services.

A review of SpectrumSCM 2.0 and StateCoder

Mike Gunderloy reviews SpectrumSCM 2.0 and StateCoder

All That JAAS

JAAS is based on the Pluggable Authentication Modules model and provides authentication and authorization services. Check out its many security benefits for Java applications.

At BEA eWorld: BEA passes Beehive to Apache

BEA Systems used the stage of its annual user conference in San Francisco to disclose plans to turn its open-source Project Beehive effort over to the Apache Software Foundation.

The BEA Buzz: Beehive Open Source Initiative

BEA Systems is donating the application framework in its WebLogic Workshop Java development environment to the open source community, the company disclosed last week. All future development of the newly re-branded Project Beehive will be done in the open-source community by BEA engineers and community participants.

Toolmakers discuss easing EJB development

Various J2EE toolmakers have worked in recent years to ease the task of developing to the J2EE platform. Perhaps only a few of their advances have had much effect to date on EJB design, which is for some shops a key part of J2EE.

At Gartner Summit: Tibco unveils new BAM tool

Tibco Software Inc. unveiled a new Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) offering for both IT managers and business analysts at the Gartner Application Integration and Web Service Summit this week.

Q&A: Stephen White, IBM: BPMN spec aims to help join business and IT

The Business Process Management Initiative ( recently began delivering release 1.0 of the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN 1.0), which is designed to provide a readily understandable, royalty-free notation for both business process design and business process implementation, according to the organization.

Sun calls J2EE 1.4 a 'fusion of Java and Web services'

The official kickoff for J2EE 1.4, accompanied by the release of a free available J2EE Application Verification Kit (AVK), pre-announcements of J2EE 1.5, and the coming official release of the Java Studio Creator tool, is making for a busy spring at Sun Microsystems.

Sun hopes test kit will spread J2EE gospel

In an effort to help application developers to "help themselves," Sun has released a free test kit designed to verify whether an application is J2EE-compatible.

As J2EE 1.4 debuts, focus moves to tools

Sun Microsystems last week marked the advent of Version 1.4 of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) at a press event in San Francisco that featured most of the big names in Java tools and application servers. A tools panel included representatives from Borland, BEA, IBM, Oracle and Sun.

Sun, rivals celebrate J2EE 1.4

Sun Microsystems marked the advent of Version 1.4 of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) last week at a press event in San Francisco that featured most of the big names in Java tools and application servers, who gathered to discuss the impact of J2EE 1.4 on their products and markets.

Use InfoPath With VS.NET 2003

InfoPath SP1 and the new .NET 2003 Toolkit let you implement business logic behind InfoPath forms with managed VB.NET or C# code instead of JScript or VBScript event handlers. joins DevelopMentor online effort

The Middleware Company (TMC) and DevelopMentor, former rivals in the technology training game, are engaging in a kind of core-competency swap in an agreement they are calling a "community and training alliance."

Wily 5 supports JBoss

Lewis Cirne founded Wily Technology in 1998. Wily tools support a range of app servers, and the JBoss open-source server has just been added to the mix.