Java & Eclipse

New Open Source PASETO Library Offers JWT Alternative

New Java developer library streamlines use of Platform Agnostic Security Tokens (PASETOs) and provides an alternative to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate end users.

GitHub Unveils Public Roadmap

GitHub today launched a new publicly accessible repository designed to allow anyone to look into all of the platform’s upcoming releases.

Container Stack

Red Hat and GraalVM Community Create "Mandrel" GraalVM Distro

Java community leader Red Hat launches new GraalVM distro.

Apache Cassandra 4.0 Now in Beta

Calling it "the most stable Apache Cassandra in history," the community behind the popular open-source distributed database announced the 4.0 beta release this week.

Java Devs Using Microsoft VS Code: Upgrade to Java 11 Now

Microsoft has issued a "Call for Action" to Java developers using its Visual Studio Code (VS Code) source-code editor to make sure their code runs on Java 11 or above, soon.

Eclipse Jakarta EE 9 Reaches Milestone 1

The Jakarta EE 9 release marks the final transition away from the javax.* namespace (which Oracle refused to give up) to Eclipse's jakarta.*.

Microsoft Collaborating with Red Hat on OpenJDK Port for Windows 10 ARM

As part of the first phase of the in-progress port, Microsoft will push its development work upstream to the OpenJDK project.

Python Edges Out Java in Annual Usage Survey

The Java programming language continued to be the most popular primary programming language among developers during the past 12 months, according to a new survey, but Python topped the list of most used languages overall during that period.

JetBrains Plugs IntelliJ IDEA Into Big Data

Software development toolmaker JetBrains, creator of the Java dev fav IntelliJ IDEA, today unveiled the full public access preview of Big Data Tools, a new plugin designed to allow developers to work with Zeppelin notebooks, Spark applications, and S3 files from within that popular IDE.

Red Hat Advances Java on Kubernetes with Quarkus

Red Hat announced that its Quarkus Kubernetes-native Java framework is now fully supported in Red Hat Runtimes. The move advances Java on Kubernetes, the IBM subsidiary said in a statement, “bridging the gap between traditional Java applications and cloud-native environments.”

Gradle 6.4 Released with Support for Java Modules

The latest version of the Gradle open-source build automation tool, just announced, comes with a number of upgrades, bug fixes, and highly anticipated support for building and testing Java modules.

Microsoft Open Sources Java Language Extension for SQL Server

Microsoft has open sourced the Java language extension it added to SQL Server 2019 last year.

Proposed Project Addresses Long-Term Java Pain Points

A new project just proposed for consideration on the OpenJDK mailing list would address the "long-term pain points" of Java's slow startup time, slow time to peak performance and large footprint.

Oracle's Latest Critical Patch Update Includes 15 Fixes for Java SE

The latest Critical Patch Update (CPU) from Oracle, published today, addresses 397 security vulnerabilities across the company's product suite, including 15 patches for Java SE.

JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 Released with Java 14 Support

Software development toolmaker JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1, a major update of its flagship code-centric Java IDE.

Eclipse Releases Open Source Alternative to Visual Studio Code

The Eclipse Foundation has released Eclipse Theia 1.0, which it is promoting as "a true open source alternative" to Microsoft's lightweight Visual Studio Code (VS Code) source code editor.

Freeway Over Ocean Graphic

Quarkus 1.3 Kubernetes Java Framework Update Released

Quarkus 1.3 isn't a major release, but it comes with some important infrastructure tweaks and a list of bug fixes.

Java 14 Goes GA with Long List of JEPs

Oracle this week announced the general availability of the Java Standard Edition 14 Platform (Java SE 14) and its open-source reference implementation, the Java Development Kit 14 (JDK 14).

Open Source JavaFX 14 Arrives with Bug Fixes and a Few Enhancements

It's now available for download, just a week ahead of the release of Java 14 on March 17.

Apache NetBeans Update Adds JDK 14 Support, Java EE Features, New Dark Looks

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced the availability of NetBeans 11.3, the third update of the popular Java-based IDE in its recently implemented quarterly release cycle.

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