Java & Eclipse

Sonatype Java Repository Now Accepts .NET Components

Sonatype today released a new version of its Maven-based component repository that supports software developers using the .NET Framework.

eXo Platform Advances 'UXP as a Service' for Java Devs

eXo, the French company best known for its GateIn-based enterprise Java portal, just released version 3.5 of its flagship eXo Platform.

EclipseSource Launches RAP Mobile

EclipseSource has just unveiled RAP mobile, an alternative for developing apps in Java based on the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP).

Apps Manager Supports Oracle and IBM JVMs

ManageEngine has extended performance monitoring support for Oracle's JRockit Java virtual machine (JVM) and IBM's JVMs in the latest release of its Applications Manager software package.

Jaspersoft's Java Reporting Engine Integrated with Cloud Foundry, Red Hat Virt

Open-source business intelligence vendor Jaspersoft recently made its popular Java reporting engine, JasperReports Server, available in the products of two fierce cloud competitors.

ForgeRock Updates Java-Based OpenIDM

ForgeRock has released version 2.0 of its OpenIDM identity management offering.

Cloud Hoster Jelastic Adds HA for Java Apps

For Java developers working on the nascent Jelastic Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), it now requires just a mouse click to activate new automated high availability (HA) features for their applications, the company announced.

Oracle Big Data Appliance Featuring Hadoop Released

Oracle this week officially released the Oracle Big Data Appliance, its new "engineered system" that tightly bundles servers and software into a unified system.

Java Community Process Approves JSON API Spec Request

The Java Community Process (JCP) has approved a Java Specification Request (JSR) submitted by Oracle to create a Java API to process JavaScript Object Notation, the lightweight data-interchange format better known as JSON.

NetBeans 7.1 Released

Oracle on Thursday announced the availability of the NetBeans 7.1 IDE, the first upgrade of the open source development environment since the 7.0 release in April.

Oracle Releases Java 7, Java 6 Updates

Oracle has released software updates for Java Standard Edition 6 and 7.

Open Source Tool Tracks Java Performance 'Hiccups'

Java runtime maker Azul Systems this week unveiled a new open source tool designed to measure the response-time fluctuations known as "hiccups" associated with an application's underlying Java runtime (RT) platform.

Embedded Pivot Tables for Java Web Apps

Potix Corporation this week released ZK Pivottable 1.0, which it's billing as one of the "first true pivot tables" that can be embedded in Java Web applications.

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c To Feature Cloud, Java EE 6 and Java 7 Support

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c is being billed as the corner stone of the company's Cloud Application Foundation and a core component of its Oracle Fusion Middleware product line.

New JVM Specially Designed for Linux

Java runtime maker Azul Systems released a new Java Virtual Machine (JVM) today specifically architected and optimized for the Linux operating system and x86-based servers.

The JCP Gets New EC Members Twitter, Azul; Loses VMware

Twitter and Azul Systems are among the new Executive Committee (EC) members.

Open Source Eclipse Turns 10: Mike Milinkovich Looks Back at a 'Novel Idea'

In November 2001, IBM open sourced an internal project focused on creating a common component framework for developers -- and open source Eclipse was born.

Java-Based NoSQL Graph Database Goes Spring

Neo Technology brought the Neo4j open-source NoSQL graph database to the Spring framework this week with the launch of Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.

Java PaaS Jelastic Supports App Deployment on Nginx Web Server

Hivetext Technologies announced this week that its Java-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Jelastic will be supporting the Nginx Web server.

Cloud Hoster AppFog Adds Java Support

Cloud-based hosting service AppFog has added Java to the growing list of languages it supports, the company announced this week.

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