The new uBuild tool is designed to provide developers using Java, C#, and C/C++ with a central, authoritative build framework for quality and dependency control.
Genuitec LLC, creator of the MyEclipse Java EE integrated development environment (IDE), is planning to announce a new "enterprise anywhere" edition of its flagship dev tool at the EclipseCon conference in Boston.
SpringSource has released updates of the Spring Tool Suite and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite.
Even hardware giants are jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, with Intel and EMC announcing their own Hadoop distributions among a flurry of other announcements.
Spring for Apache Hadoop integrates the Hadoop framework for data-intensive distributed computing with the Spring Java/J2EE application development framework.
Java/.NET interoperability solutions provider JNBridge LLC released JNBridgePro 7.0 with new support for the open source implementation of the Microsoft .NET Framework known as Mono.
Topping the list of enhancements in NetBeans 7.3 is support for HTML5 and CSS, and a new JavaScript editor and debugger based on the Nashorn project.
It looks like the Java Temporary Caching API (JCache) won't be included in the upcoming release of Java EE 7.
Oracle announced that the out-of-band patch released earlier in the month to fix 50 vulnerabilities in Java will be updated with a number of addendums that did not make it to the unscheduled release.
Zend Technologies on Tuesday announced the general availability of Zend Server 6 and version 10 of its Zend Studio IDE.
Oracle today released Update 13 for Java 7 and Update 39 for Java 6.
The Eclipse Foundation officially released a new version of the Java-based Hudson continuous integration (CI) server this week.
Codename One today announced the first release of its flagship software development kit (SDK) for Java developers building mobile applications.
The public review process for the Java Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) specification is currently underway
Java toolmaker ZeroTurnaround this week launched Rebel Labs, a new "research and content organization" site through which the company plans to offer free, vendor-neutral reports and other technical resources for the Java community.
In terms of growth, C# surpassed all other programming languages in a popularity contest called the PoularitY of Programming Language index, based on Google Trends data from 2012.
Splunk Inc. recently announced the addition of Java and Python software development kits for its big data, real-time operational intelligence platform.
JetBrains last week released version 12 of its venerable integrated development environment (IDE), IntelliJ IDEA.
Oracle has extended its support for Java 6 Standard Edition (Java SE 6) for another few months.
EMC Corporation this week confirmed rumors that former VMware chief exec Paul Maritz, now EMC chief strategy officer, will lead a new corporate spinoff that will manage products from several divisions.