Java & Eclipse

Supreme Court Asks for Feds' Input on Oracle v. Google Java Copyright Case

The Supreme Court wants the U.S. government to weigh in on the closely watched Google v. Oracle copyright infringement lawsuit the high court has been asked to review.

Explosive Growth Seen in Connected Devices Development

Trade shows, jobs reports, developer surveys and industry analysts all point to connected device development for the Internet of Things as being one of the hottest niches in mobile development for the coming year.

JavaScript, Swift Grab Programming Language of the Year Rankings

Ubiquitous JavaScript and newcomer Swift garnered 2014 programming language of the year honors from respective ranking organizations.

Security Vulnerabilities Found in Java Version of Google App Engine

Multiple serious vulnerabilities in the Java environment of Google's App Engine have been discovered by researchers.

Report: IoT Improving Code Quality in Open Source Java Projects

Coverity has just released a new report focused on open-source big data projects and the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the quality of those projects.

Android Coding Revamp Continues with Go Upgrade

From traditional coding with Java in the venerable Eclipse IDE, the new normal for Android app development may soon be programming with the young Go language in the brand-new Android Studio.

Google: Android Studio 1.0 Release Replaces Eclipse IDE/Tools Plug-in

For months Google had warned Android developers that the official IDE for programming in Java against its popular mobile OS would eventually become its own Android Studio, supplanting the venerable Eclipse IDE and its Android Developer Tools (ADT) plug-in -- and that day came yesterday.

Mobile App Analytics Gains Developer Spotlight

Besides coding and monetization, a third key component of mobile app success has lately been gaining increasing attention in the development industry: analytics

Oracle Unveils New Java 9 Proposals

Oracle recently announced four new enhancement proposals for Java 9, including a new common logging system for JVM components and a series of control options for finer-grained control of the Hotspot JIT compiler.

Spring Integration Java DSL Goes Live

Pivotal Software and the Spring Community recently announced the general availability release of the Spring Integration Java DSL.

Red Hat Updates OpenShift Enterprise

Red Hat has just released an update of the enterprise edition of its open source OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environment.

JRebel 6 Release Adds Javeleon Tech 2

Java toolmaker ZeroTurnaround has announced the general availability of the first major release of its flagship JRebel Java Virtual Machine (JVM) plugin in two years.

Java Security Containers in the Microsoft Cloud

Waratek Locker is a containerized Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) product that provides security monitoring, policy enforcement and attack blocking from within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Microsoft Launches Plugin for IntelliJ Java IDE and Android Studio

The Microsoft Open Technologies group has released an initial preview of a new plugin for JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE and the open-source Android Studio IDE.

Eclipse Launches Cloud Community

The Eclipse Foundation today announced a new initiative to create an open source community focused on "technologies, platforms, and tools necessary to enable the delivery of highly integrated cloud development and cloud developer environments."

Twitter Launches Fabric Kits for Mobile App Developers

Finally catching up with social media giants like Facebook Inc. and Google Inc., Twitter Inc. today unveiled its own mobile app developer platform.

Oracle's Quarterly Critical Patch Update Includes 25 Java Security Patches

Oracle's recently released quarterly Critical Patch Update (CPU) contained 155 new security vulnerability fixes across Oracle's product lines.

Google Asks U.S. Supreme Court To Decide Oracle Copyright Suit Involving Java/Android

The four-year-old legal battle between Google and Oracle over Google's use of Java in its Android operating system could end up being decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

JavaOne: Oracle Promotes Recent Releases & Growing Community, Looks to the Future

The annual JavaOne conference has been largely about spreading the word about recent updates and upgrades to the Java language, platform and associated technologies.

Eclipse Foundation Unveils Open IoT Stack for Java

The Eclipse Foundation took the wraps off its new Internet of Things (IoT) Stack for Java at this year's JavaOne conference, underway this week in San Francisco.