IBM's new Microservices Builder tool is billed as a "complete user experience for creating, testing and deploying applications built with microservices."
In the latest Programming Language Rankings from the industry watchers at RedMonk, Kotlin, a language that didn't make the Top 20, was given special attention in its discussion section.
In-memory data grid specialist Hazelcast Inc. announced the release of an updated version of its relatively new distributed processing engine for Big Data streams.
Mark Reinhold, chief architect of Oracle's Java Platform Group, believes the heated concerns bubbling up recently in the Java community about the readiness of the Java Platform Module System specification, better known as Jigsaw, for the upcoming release of Java 9 are based on a number of misconceptions.
Android developers were already able to use Kotlin through a plug-in, but from now on it'll ship alongside Java and C++ with the official Android IDE.
The final vote count was 10 for, 13 against, but the decision of the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process to reject JSR 376 doesn't mean we won't be seeing the long awaited, much delayed modularization of Java in the next release.
The Eclipse Foundation's Internet of Things Working Group released a new version of its Kura IoT framework last week, announced the first milestone release of its Kapua platform and announced the creation of a new initiative to drive the adoption of IoT open source and open standards.
Java runtime solutions provider Azul Systems has just released Zing 17.03, the latest version of its Java Virtual Machine, with full support for its Falcon just-in-time compiler.
Here's a roundup of recent news and product announcements around Java and Java-related technologies.
It's designed to integrate with existing IDEs and abstract some of the steps needed to build a toolchain for continuous integration/continuous deployment on the cloud computing service.
The latest release of OpenShift, Red Hat's packaged distribution of the open source Kubernetes container management and orchestration system, comes with new support for cloud-native Java.
Facebook has taken key tenets of its popular React JavaScript library -- such as declarative programming using chained components with immutable inputs and unidirectional data flow -- and applied them to a framework for creating UIs for Android.
Google is continuing to implement support for Java 8 in its Android mobile OS, last week issuing Android Studio 2.4 Preview 6, which fixes numerous bugs associated with the company's new way of working with the latest edition of its default programming language.
Here's a roundup of this week's news and product announcements around Java and Java-related technologies.
Software development toolmaker JetBrains has released the first Technology Preview of Kotlin/Native, a version of the open source programming language for the JVM, Android and JavaScript that compiles directly to machine code.
The JDK 9 rampdown process is entering Phase Two, and Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of Oracle's Java Platform Group, has proposed some goals for this phase that keep the process focused on priority bug fixes.
Software development toolmaker JetBrains has added support for Jigsaw in the latest release of its popular IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
With the 7-month-old Android N now installed on less than 3 percent of devices, the first developer preview of Android O has landed, with new functionality for saving battery life, getting a better handle on notifications and much more.
Google is deprecating the Jack compiler toolchain it introduced in 2014 to incorporate Java 8 features, which will be be natively supported going forward.
JNBridge has added support for the new version of Microsoft's Visual Studio tool suite to the latest version of its flagship Java/.NET interoperability solution.