Today's business objects, combined with Corba and DCOM, will open the door to tomorrow's global electronic commerce machine -- the Meganet.
Software strategies include both push and publish/subscribe technologies. So which one offers more leverage in today's high-tech business world?
Corporate developers need not snub the latest version of Microsoft's development tools out of hand; despite some warts, these tools can build large-scale applications.
Many I/S organizations are embracing Java, but they should be aware of the shortcomings of the still immature language.
Although the current enterprise software dilemma is COM versus Corba, the big picture remains the same; it is still Microsoft versus IBM.
Many agree a drop-dead production mentality is needed -- Many differ on how to proceed from that premise.
When software objects clash, strange things can happen! New test strategies call for creative simulation ... and partnerships.
Frameworks follow the rule that "simpler is better" -- but they are evolving in different directions, and Web considerations ensure they will get still more complex
Lotus has the lead, but software for group collaboration is gaining competitors'attention.
Sun and IBM lead the latest object component charge. What's real now?
As the basic ORB becomes a commodity, attention turns toward services.