In-Depth Features

A Four-Step Plan for Measuring Enterprise IT Agility

You can’t know if your enterprise IT is truly agile unless you measure it.

Analysis: Behind Big Blue’s $1.6 Billion Acquisition of ISS

What does ISS give IBM—and is it worth the $1.6 billion Big Blue paid for it? That depends, analysts say.

Profile: Telelogic and Enterprise Lifecycle Management

Telelogic seeks to define how enterprises manage innovative processes.

Storage Half-Truths and Deceptions

The Wild West adage “Never trust nobody” should be a storage manager’s creed.

2006 Salary Survey, Part 4: IT Attitudes

While salaries are rising, angst continues to rise

Security and SOX: Are CIOs Missing the Boat?

Many CIOs arrived late to Sarbanes-Oxley efforts

Podcast: Why Metadata Mapping Isn’t Enough

To understand your corporate data and business rules, you need more than a metadata map.

Best Practices: Building a Test-Driven Development Team

More and more code jockeys are embracing software testing as a means to accelerate development and improve overall quality levels

SNIA’s Information Lifecycle Management Paper Reads Like a Beach Novel

Like a summertime guilty-pleasure-but-pointless novel, and SNIA’s latest document on information lifecycle management makes for nice beach reading.

2006 ESJ Salary Survey, Part 1: Salaries Grow for All IT Staff Positions

In the first of our four-part report, we look at compensation growth for professional positions.

Open SOA Sells—But Microsoft Isn’t Buying

Microsoft’s absence in new initiatives troubles industry watchers

Two-Factor Authentication: The Single Sign-on Solution?

New online risk-monitoring and strong-authentication technologies are helping banks meet looming FFIEC online authentication deadlines

Analysis: IBM Takes the Opteron Plunge

With Intel finally righting itself after years of floundering in AMD’s wake, why did IBM pick now to take the Opteron plunge?

Profile: Translating Cool Technology Into Revenue

Mainsoft has great .NET to Java technology that is tapping a market in enterprises.

DataMirror Tweaks Mainframe CDC Tool for Performance, Reliability

DataMirror last week trumpeted what it describes as “significant” performance improvements in the latest version of its Transformation Server for z/OS

Filtering Technology Looks Beyond Content

Companies are increasingly deploying filtering technology to address a number of information security threats, ranging from in-bound spyware to unapproved use of VoIP.

Profile: Mindreef Brings Quality to SOA

Startup company draws on deep tradition and early products to establish name recognition and strong reputation.

Companies Stingy About IT Spending, Gartner Reports

If there’s an economic recovery afoot, IT budgets haven’t benefited

Case Study: Software Lifecycle Management Tools Get a Handle on Change

Rapid growth pushes software firm to a more mature development process

Podcast: Best Practices for Personal-Use Storage Policies

Setting a storage usage policy can be tricky