In-Depth Features

Software Testing Gets Virtualized

VMware and Borland integrate their solutions to enable testing across platforms.

Eclipse's Second Synchronized Project Release

Find out what's in store for this year's synchronized Eclipse project release.

Java Migration Solution Supports Visual Studio 2005

Mainsoft has enhanced its solution, which creates Java bite code via a .NET-based platform.

ICEsoft Integrates JFS Framework With JBoss Seam

Tool helps create complex Web applications using Java objects and not much XML.</

Europa a Triumph of Process

Sneak a peak at the process by which the Eclipse Foundation makes possible synchronized project releases.

JBoss Tools Project to Get Exadel Plug-Ins

Red Hat open sources Exadel Eclipse plug-ins through its JBoss Tools project.

DDC-I Unveils Real-Time Java Tool

Solution helps create low-latency applications to better meet FAA safety standards.</

Building a Virtual Bullpen with Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint puts an end to inefficient project management and helps Agile dev teams stay light on their feet (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007).

In and Out of Orcas

Will Visual Studio catch up to the .NET stack? (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007.)

Building a Virtual Bullpen with Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint puts an end to inefficient project management and helps Agile dev teams stay light on their feet. (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007.)

In and Out of Orcas

Will Visual Studio catch up to the .NET stack? (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007.)

The OSGi Approach to Component Integration

Eclipse's plug-in model is based on an initiative that heralds a general-purpose alternative to application integration.

ADO.NET Entity Framework

How 'Orcas' new object/relational mapping technology works (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 1, 2007).


From Visual FoxPro to VB6, developers are coping with the demise of key programming languages (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 1, 2007).

Red Hat Enhances SOA/Platform Strategy

Recent deals aimed at boosting its enterprise open source software platform.

Build an xajax App With Oracle Database 10g

Your how-to guide for working with xajax.

Introducing Model-Driven Development

Use model-driven development techniques to resolve common problems associated with building applications in SOA environments.

Understanding XML Query Standards

The W3C grants Recommendation status to XQuery, the XML query language designed to do for Web services what SQL did for relational databases. (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News.)

Tapping the SaaS Potential

Robert Carr, Keep and Share's CEO, talks about the Web as a delivery mechanism for software and services. (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News.)

Pay Attention to Eclipse

The technologies being developed under the eclipse umbrella have implications far beyond Java development.