In-Depth Features

Approaching the promised land of component reuse

Are we on the cusp of achieving the dream of commonplace, standardized component reuse? With a modeling language and process in place, that goal is closer than ever before, but there is still much left to do.

Dynamic Java Program Corpus Analysis, Part 2: The Control Pattern Analysis

The authors propose a runtime profiler based on control patterns and demonstrate that all runtime traces can be represented by these patterns.

Putting the CUSTOMER back in CRM

CRM means many things to many people; yet too often, the customer gets left out.

IT to outsourcers: HELP!

Trust outsiders with development? It's a fact of life.

"XML-EDI" still has a way to go

There are established processes in place around EDI. XML may provide a lighter-weight model, but it is not there yet.

Multi-enterprise e-business drives a new market.

Read on for the eight requirements for IAI solutions.

Get your balanced scorecard here!

Out of the data warehousing milieu comes a candidate for "killer app."

CORBA in the age of Java

Java put a few CORBA plans on hold temporarily. But interest in CORBA-and-Java as an enterprise alternative to COM continues to grow. Are the tools up to the job?

Ready, Set, Script

With the Web's help, scripting languages evolve to the mainstream and may well change the way apps are developed, assembled and managed.

Surprising Sun Sets Software Pace

Systems maker looks to ride Java success to become a major software player. Looks for Forté, NetBeans and iPlanet to attract the hearts and minds of corporate development managers.

Software Agents Go To The Movies

New agent applications may glean data from the Web, and XML may have a hand in that. A look at online movie ticketing uncovers some interesting issues.