In-Depth Features

Testing e-commerce

When the world is your living room, things had better work.

Meta is the word

Data warehouse projects can falter from lack of meta data; Microsoft may have gained a lead in defining a standard.

Turning rules into requirements

Careful attention to business-rules modeling can pay off.

The i gets bigger at Oracle

The database giant rolls along by adding Internet technologies to its database, tools and application software; turns to Java, XML and other open technologies to help IT join the i wave.

Java: Brewed to perfection?

First, it was good but slow. Now, it is good to go.

Fog lifting on SanFrancisco

IBM's component architecture has been all over the map. The view, however, seems to be improving.

Middleware moves up a level

In the real-time enterprise these days, it is process, process, process.

Change management grows up and moves out

IT needs tools that can bridge legacy mainframe and distributed systems. Will the next generation do the trick?

Application servers unmasked

They've been seeking definition; now, app servers are poised as today's e-business platform choice.

J2EE bridges the legacy gap

As Fortune 1000 companies continue to overcome technology hurdles in their quest to Webify their legacy back ends, Java 2 Enterprise Edition is emerging as the architecture best suited for legacy integration via the Internet.

An Object-Oriented Analysis Technique Based on the Unified Modeling Language

This article proposes an object-oriented analysis (OOA) technique based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Linux gladiators duel for desktop crown

GNOME and KDE—two feature-rich and mature desktop environments—are vying for the hearts and minds of Linux users.