Enterprise Development News & Articles

Mobile Analytics Firm: 23 Percent of Users Abandon Apps After One Use

According to mobile app analytics firm Localytics, mobile's importance is growing at a faster rate than the business innovation needed to keep pace, resulting in a "mobile engagement crisis" exemplified by poor user retention statistics.

Low-Code App Dev Tools Evolve with New Services

When your low-code mobile app development tools start to look like everyone else's low-code mobile app development tools, you have to differentiate yourself with new products, services or functionality.

EnterpriseDB Integrates Postgres in Distro Aimed at Enterprise

EnterpriseDB released an operational data management platform based on the open source Postgres object-relational database system, which it integrated with MongoDB and Apache Hadoop.

IBM Opens Up Node.js App Metrics Tool

The Node Application Metrics monitoring and profiling agent from IBM is now fully available with an open source license, according to the company's developerWorks Open site. Previously the tool -- also called "appmetrics" -- was available as a hybrid project with some parts open source but with core monitoring capabilities kept in-house.

Apache Kafka Stars in Two New Open Source Big Data Offerings

Following the path of Hadoop and Spark, Apache Kafka is becoming a rising star in the Big Data ecosystem, playing a leading role in two brand-new open source offerings from LinkedIn, where Kafka originated, and Confluent, a company founded by former LinkedIn developers who helped create it.

A Kotlin-Based Build Language for Gradle

Gradle Inc., chief commercial supporter of the open source Gradle build automation system, is working with software development toolmaker JetBrains to provide a Kotlin-based build programming language for Gradle, the two companies announced.

Microsoft To Host Jenkins on Azure

The Jenkins community is partnering with Microsoft to move its back-end infrastructure to the Azure cloud, a move that unifies the Jenkins infrastructure -- which has been distributed in four locations among four different providers -- on a single, scalable platform.

Looking for a Pay Boost? Learn Scala, Go

An ambitious new skills report drawing on salary information from more than 2 million workers reveals that learning the programming languages Scala and Go are excellent career moves for software developers.

Programmable AWS IoT Button Sells Out in Hours

The limited release AWS IoT Button, designed to help developers use Internet of Things and other data-related services from Amazon Web Services, sold out last week just hours after being made available.

Firms Team Up To Advance AI in the Enterprise

Move over, Siri and Tay, and make room for a new female virtual agent set to invade the enterprise: Amelia, a joint effort by Accenture and IPsoft aiming to help organizations adopt complicated and potentially game-changing artificial intelligence technology.

IoT News Roundup: SAP, HP Enterprise Lead New Offerings

New offerings from SAP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise highlight a busy week for the Internet of Things, which continues to edge aside Big Data, the cloud and mobile to take a seat as a first-class software development target.

Databricks Previews 'Shiny New Toy': Apache Spark 2.0

Two years in the making, Apache Spark 2.0 will officially debut in a few weeks from Databricks, which just released a technical preview so Big Data developers could get their hands on the "shiny new toy" that has become instrumental in processing streaming data.

New JNBridge Lab: Using Play To Create Java Web Apps on .NET

Java/.NET interoperability solutions provider JNBridge published a new entry in its growing database of free developer tutorial kits called Labs, which "showcase the myriad possibilities available to developers when bridging Java and .NET frameworks."

Oracle and Google Back in Court Over Java APIs

The long-running court battle between Oracle and Google continued this week in San Francisco as the two companies faced off again in federal court before a new jury and a familiar judge.

Amid iPhone Slump, Apple Makes New Enterprise Overture

After a quarterly earnings report revealed a surprising slump in iPhone sales, Apple announced a new overture into the enterprise mobility space with partner SAP, paving the way for new opportunities for iOS developers.

New Tools for Enterprise Node.js Monitoring

Enterprises can get help monitoring their Node.js implementations with two brand-new tools from NodeSource and RisingStack.

Big Data Benchmark: Google Cloud Dataflow Beats Apache Spark

Big Data consultancy Mammoth Data today published a new benchmark study that shows Google's Cloud Dataflow service outperforms the extremely popular open source data processing engine, Apache Spark.

Data Scientists Flooding Field, Salaries Leveling Off, Report Says

The long-lasting hunt for elusive data science skills has brought new recruits flooding into the field, according to new research, resulting in salaries finally beginning to level off for what has been termed the "sexiest job" of the century and "best job" in America.

New Node.js v6 Is Faster, Nearing Full ES6 Support

The community-led Node.js Foundation is out with a new release of its namesake open source JavaScript developer platform, featuring performance upgrades such as faster module loading and more complete support for the new ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) JavaScript standard.

Codenvy Announces Che-Based IDE for Samsung ARTIK

Codenvy today announced the beta release of a new IDE for Samsung's ARTIK Internet of Things platform.