Columns: Dev How-To and Advice

Serenity through markup

Markup systems have enjoyed the sort of large-scale successes and longevity of deployments that have often eluded mainstream code.

The testing challenge continues

Software testing champions quietly acknowledge that some organizations have yet to accept the need for automated software testing, and are expressing hope that an emerging transformation of the testing process will bring more developers into the fold.

Easy money?

Yesterday, the money went into stocks; today, it's housing. The same is true in IT organizations. Yesterday, ''strategic investments,'' like ERP, CRM, e-business transformation, knowledge management or zero latency were often green-lighted. Today, the conventional wisdom is that software projects must demonstrate tangible ROI. But how true is that?

Whither CORBA?

Now that a new silver bullet has appeared on the scene -- XML and its Web services cousin -- what's to become of CORBA?

Taming spreadsheet jockeys

The health of a data warehousing environment is inversely proportional to the number of spreadsheets used as data marts in the organization.

Web services in harmony

Developers will deliver new applications rapidly by using composite applications and orchestrations.

The Microsoft/IBM axis

Through the Web services series of specifications, Microsoft and IBM are working together to create the standards for communication that we need. These specifications are the future of Web services.

The key to knowledge management

Today's tremendous desire to improve and maintain an organization's intellectual capital has triggered a field of study and class of vendor applications that we refer to as knowledge management.

Architecture, planning and design

I've recently seen developers confuse the activities they are doing with those that are needed. This leads to frustration, unsuccessful projects and an inability to help IT add value to the business. Most of the confusion seems to come from a fuzzy understanding of the differences between architecture, planning and design. In particular, developers may confuse architecture with design.

Keeping Web services on the straight and narrow

Can the Web services promise meet long-term reality, or will it eventually go the way of proprietary minicomputers, client/server systems and computer-aided software engineering?

To buy or not to buy a repository

This article addresses the four essential questions that will guide you through your build vs. buy decision.

Analytics: Hang the imposter!

People want to replace the term business intelligence with "enterprise analytics." I don't buy it. At least, not yet.

The many heads of XML modeling

XML initiatives, including Web services, have much to gain by associating themselves with efforts such as the OMG's MDA.

ADT's Programmers Report: Grab hold of the snake

Dan Romanschik reviews "Python Web Programming" by Steve Holden (with David Beazley).

Some real Web services stories

Many in the high-tech world are betting heavily on a bright future for Web services.

Lifting the fog on Web services

There are statements about Web services that I see repeated in the press, expressed at conferences and even written on billboards that just aren't true. In this column, I'll address the misconceptions I see as most ripe for correction.

Be reflective

Notes on reflective designing/developing.

Innovation even more valuable in hard times

Ediorial Director Michael W. Bucken discusses the roles of innovators in the ever-changing high-technology business.

ADT Book Review: Say hello to CodeNotes

A review of the book "CodeNotes for .NET" edited by Gregory Brill.

So long, silos, hello!

Jack Vaughan wonders if the mythical Rip Van Winkle were to awake from his 20-year snooze not at the end of the American Colonial era, but rather at the end of the Internet Gold Rush, that he actually wouldn't find all that much changed.