Columns: Dev How-To and Advice

Product Briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

Ad hoc BI is killing us!

It's back to the future as all the major BI suppliers have moved to add the reporting capabilities they once ridiculed as old-fashioned and out of touch to their suites.

FrontPage, front and center

Serious corporate developers and weekend homepage builders alike will find a lot to appreciate in Microsoft FrontPage 2003.

Sarbanes-Oxley: A gift from the government?

New rules to protect investors can give savvy CIOs a raison d'etre for moving forward with innovative new projects that limit legal exposure of top execs.

A Letter to the Editor: Taking issue

A reader takes issue with a column by Uche Ogbuji.

Conversation with Ken Orr

Ken Orr has long provided IT units with his expertise on a variety of subjects ranging from BPM and software engineering to data warehousing and knowledge management. Editor-at-Large Jack Vaughan caught up with Orr recently to get his latest insights.

What's next for app servers?

There have been periods when experts called for replacing all things technology, but for the most part, managers recognize that maintaining and updating legacy systems is vital to corporate success.

Viva la Pramati differenza

Pramati Server Version 3.5 provides high performance at a low cost, with features that allow users to run apps already deployed on Apache HTTP Server, Tomcat and WebLogic Server.

Why Web services aren't just a rerun

SOA may or may not bring about a reuse nirvana. But whatever happens, Web services certainly will allow much better connections between apps.

Book review: Software Fortresses

The software fortress architecture consists of a series of self-contained, mutually suspicious, marginally cooperating software fortresses interacting through carefully crafted and meticulously managed treaty relationships.

Looks at IBM Rational XDE Developer .NET Edition v2003.06 and Compuware DriverStudio

Mike Gunderloy reviews IBM Rational XDE Developer .NET Edition v2003.06 and DriverStudio 3.0

RFID on the march

How does RFID stack up? It is classic new-technology riddle. In the spheres of supply-chain and logistics software, it is now a matter of constant discussion.

Objects. Encapsulation. XML?

The partnership between XML and OO will be successful if XML finally gets OO programmers to accept declarative approaches to programming.

From the Editor: Java vs. Microsoft, act II

Are IT development organizations ready to start building simpler, low-end Java applications for multiple platforms rather than using the Microsoft tools for just Windows?

SCM uplifted: Q&A with David Martin of MKS

Software configuration management (SCM) is about to emerge from the shadows cast by supercool, hyperbole-laden IDEs.

Revenge of the monolith

Q&A with Dale Vecchio of Gartner Inc. on the resurgence of mainframes.

On track for integration

Grand unification efforts have historically fallen short because they were too rigid, but SOA shows flexibility and promise for integration.

Facts up! Teach your team to use BI

Even the most perfect BI system will flop unless project managers overcome individual and organizational resistance to change.

Review: 'Next Generation Application Integration'

Application integration is a complex process. You must master not only the technologies involved, but develop a strategy that will take into account your business processes and business goals.

A review of DevPartner Studio 7.1 and InstallShield DevStudio 9

Mike Gunderloy reviews DevPartner Studio 7.1 and InstallShield DevStudio 9