
Review: MDB Artisan

MDB Artisan offers an easy tool for exploring and documenting Access databases.

Review: MaSaI Editor

A new and mysterious entrant in the MSI-editing field provides an interesting and useful alternative to Microsoft's Orca editor.

Review: PrimalCode 3.0

This "code-oriented IDE" provides a lighter-weight alternative to Visual Studio .NET for some .NET development projects.

Review: ActiveReports

ActiveReports offers a solid reporting solution for .NET applications. You may well find it superior to the built-in Crystal Reports.

Review: FinalBuilder 2.0

FinalBuilder provides a complete GUI environment for building all sorts of Windows software. Version 2.0 adds a bunch of new features to an already-impressive product.

Review: ConceptDraw

This cross-platform Mac and PC drawing application is a viable alternative to more expensive programs such as Visio.

Review: Log Explorer

Log Explorer turns your SQL Server transaction logs into a powerful tool for browsing and recovering lost data. DBAs will find it an essential tool.

Review: C Sharp Programmable Calculator

A calculator that you can program in C# and that understands RPN - what more could you ask?

SOAP test: A guided tour

As developers look to SOAP-oriented Web services to do more, ensuring app quality becomes more difficult. Can test tool advances keep up?

Test brief: Conversation with Linda Hayes

In requirements management, as in most development projects, testing tends to be the forgotten stepsister.

Looks at IBM Rational XDE Developer .NET Edition v2003.06 and Compuware DriverStudio

Mike Gunderloy reviews IBM Rational XDE Developer .NET Edition v2003.06 and DriverStudio 3.0

Briefing Book: Profiles in company strategies

Our take on vendor development offerings over the years.

RFID on the march

How does RFID stack up? It is classic new-technology riddle. In the spheres of supply-chain and logistics software, it is now a matter of constant discussion.

Objects. Encapsulation. XML?

The partnership between XML and OO will be successful if XML finally gets OO programmers to accept declarative approaches to programming.

From the Editor: Java vs. Microsoft, act II

Are IT development organizations ready to start building simpler, low-end Java applications for multiple platforms rather than using the Microsoft tools for just Windows?

2003: That was the year that was

ADT's editors sort through the people, events and trends that made 2003 what it was.