Although imperfect, the mobile application development environment is an area
of keen interest to a growing number of enterprises.
The enterprise service bus is the newest solution-and buzzword-for
IT and vendors touting enterprise architecture integration.
Personal Software Process and Team Software Process are intertwined methodologies
that offer formal processes for improving software quality and managing schedules.
SCM has put on more muscle to meet IT's need to better manage widely dispersed development teams and to comply with regulatory mandates.
Developers tracking the latest product vulnerabilities now have a central location
to check—the National Vulnerability Database.
The results from an OutputLinks search used to be extensive—but cluttered—for
users. More often than not, users waded through lots of findings for one piece
of pertinent information.
There's a lot of hype about BSM, the new three-letter approach to IT/business
alignment. Business services management vendors promise to correlate the performance
of business services with IT infrastructure components. However, analysts warn
automation is only part of the answer.
Swing is becoming more and more capable of looking cool on the desktop. But is it also becoming more advanced – as in, more difficult (therefore expensive) to program?
The announcement that eBay are to purchase Skype got me wondering: isn't VoIP actually, really, a giant step backwards for the Internet's killer app?
The current Java IDE war appears to be about stealing features and copying the way other IDEs do things. The result could eventually be a bland, homogenized landscape.
Robert Richardson is the editorial director of the Computer Security Institute,
which provides training to computer, information and network security professionals.
A recent survey by CSI, along with the FBI’s Computer Intrusion Squad,
focused on computer crimes and security. During an interview with ADT, Richardson
examines how companies are tackling these issues.
Java tools undergo an extreme makeover...
Thanks to the influence of Eclipse's open-source tooling platform, the new face of the Java IDE will
resemble a lean plug-in environment rather than the traditional feature-stuffed tool suite.
For a number of reasons,
enterprises are doing far
less building and much
more buying today. The
consequences of this
transition have blurred a
once-clear ROI picture.