
SCM helps build better apps faster

Configuration management tools can give managers some control over complex development projects. Analysts predict IT will turn to high-end SCM tools for help.

Managing Web Content

Floods of content overrun IT even in hard economic times; managing that content becomes increasingly difficult as once high-flying tool suppliers shutter and the rest consolidate. Should IT build rather than buy content managers?

To EJB...or Not

Enterprise JavaBean technology is a good choice for some applications, but experts warn IT managers that the EJB specs should be avoided in other situations; another chapter in the Sun vs. Microsoft saga.

Gaining New Fields of Application for OOP: the Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm Case

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is continuously gaining new domains of application. We'll study several important design and implementation issues in one new domain: parallel evolutionary algorithms (PEAs). These algorithms are heuristics aimed at performing search, optimization, and machine learning tasks. We identify the potential and actual advantages of using OOP in such a field of application, as well as propose a class design for solving complex real-world problems with PEAs. Besides the methodological and practical outcomes, some results showing the efficiency and flexibility of the resulting OOP-PEA systems are offered herein. We conclude that OOP allows quick PEA prototyping, integration of new techniques within the PEA, and easy cooperation with other techniques in parallel, all of this without reducing the efficiency of the resulting PEA.

The new world of clustering

Clustering isn't just for databases anymore; builders of scalable, reliable and high-performance applications must implement a strong clustering strategy.

Java & .NET can live together

Even Microsoft concedes its highly touted .NET platform won't purge IT units of Java tools and technologies. Tools to ease the process of linking Java and .NET technologies are emerging quickly.

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