
2001 Listing of Object Technology Books and Multimedia

This updated bibliography includes more than 550 books and multimedia published from 1999 to the present.

.NET builds on best of COM

Microsoft replaces COM Registry and DCOM and adds component development capabilities that can improve productivity, while maintaining compatibility with existing COM objects and ActiveX controls.

Is Corporate America ready for XP?

Extreme Programming can work, say many who have tried the lightweight methodology. But be prepared for major culture clash as XP advances into the business world. It ain't called "extreme" for nothing.

The Data Abstraction Penalty (DAP)Benchmark for Small Objects in Java

The author discusses his results of measuring the performance degradation of Java programs while using various data abstraction features of the language.

Supporting Design by Contract in C++

Most OO practitioners recognize the value of Design by Contract as a methodology for improving software quality. It is at the heart of the Eiffel language and the Object Constraint Language of UML. However, there are precious few languages that provide such intrinsic support for Design by Contract, and C++ is one language that does not. This article presents two new mechanisms for emulating Design by Contract in C++ that take advantage of language features defined in the recent standard, and for which widespread compiler support is now becoming available. One mechanism has been used in the development of software components in Computational Physics and is based on the Standard Template Library (STL); the other provides Design by Contract support across an inheritance hierarchy in C++ in accordance with the Liskov Substitutability Principle.

Whither TP Middleware?

Complex transaction processing middleware still finds a place among IT developers in the age of app servers and integration; but suppliers are looking for new ways to use the technology.

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