
Widgets Revolutionizing App Development

They're small and easy to create. They multiply like rabbits. The best become immensely popular very quickly and are forgotten just as fast. And they are changing the face of application development.

IM Attacks on the Rise

Just because you've deployed an enterprise-grade instant messaging (IM) solution from a well-known vendor, doesn't mean you've mitigated -- let alone completely licked -- the threat posed by rogue, unsanctioned or illicit IM use in your enterprise environment.

Microsoft Outlines 'Social Networking' Vision

Exec says Live Mesh key for tying together various online and offline solutions

Citrix, Dell Partner on Virtualization

Deepening its existing partner relationship with Dell as a new competitive dynamic and pricing model unfolds, Citrix has announced the availability of a Dell-specific embedded version of XenServer for Dell PowerEdge servers.

Spam More Creative, Better Targeted

Thirty years after the first unsolicited e-mail advertisement was sent, the phenomenon now known as spam is continuing to grow -- and becoming more sophisticated, creative and malicious.

Exec Describes Microsoft's 'Social Networking' Vision

A Microsoft executive involved with the company's Windows Live efforts outlined some of the company's ideas about cloud-based computing and social networking technologies today.

Discovery of Crimeware Server Exposes Breadth of Data Theft

Last month researchers at online security company Finjan uncovered a 1.4 gigabyte cache of stolen data from North America, Europe, the Middle East and India on a Malaysian server that provided command and control functions for malware attacks in addition to being a drop site for data harvested from compromised computers.

Report: Microsoft Meeting with Time Warner Regarding AOL

Just two days after walking away from its $49.6 billion bid for Yahoo, the Times Online U.K. is reporting that Microsoft is meeting with Time Warner executives regarding a possible bid for America Online -- the very company Yahoo turned to in a possible attempt to stave off the takeover bid from Redmond.

Cisco and Microsoft: Clash of the UC Titans

According to market watcher Infonetics Research, both Cisco Systems Inc. and Microsoft Corp. are tops, overall, in the UC space. In fact, buyers say that Cisco and Microsoft are their preferred Unified Messaging and Communicator suppliers.

Web Attacks on the Rise; E-mail Attacks Decline

According to a recent study from security and anti-virus specialist Sophos, servers in the U.S. and China host the lion's share of malware-infected Web sites. Meanwhile, Web attacks surged to an all-time high in the first quarter of this year, according to Sophos -- with no sign of dropping off any time soon.

Experts Focus on Future of U.S. Cybersecurity

Whoever becomes our next president will inherit a cyber infrastructure under almost constant attack and at greater risk than eight years ago, and a handful of experts and legislators have come together to ensure that cybersecurity has a high priority in his or her administration.

Microsoft Announces Extensibility Framework for .NET

Last week, Microsoft's .NET Framework program manager Krzysztof Cwalina announced that his team is working on a new framework for .NET -- Managed Extensibility Framework -- designed to improve compatibility with third-party extensions.

Microsoft To Release SOA Tool Paving The Path To Oslo

Looking to broaden the reach of high performance .NET applications across multiple clustered tiers and platforms, Microsoft this week will release a sample application, tutorials and benchmarks to help simplify the development and deployment of service-oriented architecture (SOA) composite apps.

Council Publishes Guidelines for Securing Customer Data Online

The PCI Security Standards Council this week announced plans to issue new guidelines that it hopes will give transaction application developers and security specialists a clear direction to the path of least resistance when it comes to assessing risks surrounding customer and vendor data -- most notably, credit card and payment information.

BizTalk RFID Mobile Unveiled

Microsoft today described its new platform to help developers more easily create mobile applications that make use of radiofrequency identification technology.

The Return of Ada

Ada, used mostly by the aviation industry, is forgotten, but not gone.

Keeping SOA Under Control

Runtime governance is the key to healthy SOA applications

OOXML Approved, but Battle With ODF Begins

Microsoft's Office Open XML document format was accepted as an international standard, according to an announcement issued today by the International Organization for Standardization.

Google Expands Docs Offline

Google's over-the-Internet software for editing, uploading and sharing office documents, known as Google Docs, can now be used offline, Google software engineer, Philip Tucker said on a blog yesterday.

Feds On Board with Online Apps

Federal agencies' adoption of online applications from Internet powerhouse Google Enterprise could usher in an era of rising productivity and improved security, said David Girourard, the company's vice president and general manager.

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