Enterprise Architecture News & How-To

NoSQL Database Targets Internet of Things Development

Basho Technologies is targeting Internet of Things development with a new NoSQL database offering, optimized to handle time series data sources.

AtScale BI-on-Hadoop Tool Gets Adaptive Cache

AtScale, which does "BI on Hadoop," today announced a new version of its data platform featuring patent-pending "Adaptive Cache" technology that the company claims is an industry first.

MIT Machine Beats Human Intuition in Big Data Analytics

Just as IBM famously developed machine-learning supercomputers to beat Jeopardy! players and chess grandmasters, MIT has come out with its own technology designed to take the human guesswork out of Big Data analytics, more than holding its own in three data science competitions with people.

Latest Open Source Cloud Dev Tool Vendor? Walmart

Watch out, Azure, AWS and Google: Walmart is entering the cloud development market with an open source offering that seeks to eliminate cloud provider lock-in.

Updated Globo Mobile Platform Supports iOS 9 Development

Globo, a specialist in enterprise mobility management, announced full support of Apple's new iOS 9 in its application development tooling and other mobile products.

Data Science Tool Adds Apache Spark Support

The latest update of the data science tool from startup Dataiku includes support for Apache Spark, the open source data processing engine rapidly becoming one of the most popular technologies in use for Big Data analytics.

Survey Reveals How to Keep Mobile Devs Happy

Organizations wanting to retain their hard-to-find, pricey mobile app developers received some guidance from a new global survey that revealed their chief complaints are inflexible work conditions, too little time to do too much work and unrealistic expectations.

AWS Playing Catch-Up with Mobile Hub Back-End

Normally known for being a clear leader in cloud computing services, Amazon Web Services has been a little late to the Mobile-Back-End-as-a-Service (MBaaS) party, but it's playing catch-up with a new product unveiled at its recent re:Invent conference in Las Vegas.

Atlassian Splits the JIRA Platform into Three Tailored Products

Atlassian has split its flagship JIRA issue tracker and project manager into three standalone products running on a common platform.

Codeless Test Creation for Java Thick Client Apps

Appvance has introduced a feature set to its namesake unified testing and test-automation platform that supports codeless test creation for Java thick client applications.

Open Source Node.js Matures, Courts the Enterprise

With the maturation of the six-year-old Node.js JavaScript runtime, internal project squabbling has decreased, open source forks have reconverged, and now a brand-new support plan designed to accommodate enterprise development has been adopted.

Zing JVM Now Available as RHEL AMIs on AWS

Java runtime solutions provider Azul Systems has made its flagship Zing JVM available as Amazon Machine Images running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Amazon Web Services.

Cloud Rivals Amazon and Microsoft Going Big on Data

Not to be outdone by Microsoft's recent Big Data enhancements to its Azure cloud service, Amazon Web Services announced its own data initiatives at its conference yesterday.

Couchbase Adds SQL-Based JSON Queries

The new Couchbase database platform emerged with its new N1QL language that allows developers to hook into JSON data stores with declarative, SQL-based queries.

Progress Promises Free Dev Software for Education

Progress Software announced a new suite of app development software designed to be freely downloaded by students, recent graduates and new developers wanting to get help with designing enterprise-class applications.


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