Application Development News & Articles

Java IDE Maker JetBrains Creates New JVM Language

JetBrains has introduced a new JVM-targeted programming language, code-named "Kotlin."

ZK Studio Java IDE Now Available as Eclipse Plug-In

Potix Corporation has just made its ZK Studio integrated development environment (IDE) available as an Eclipse plug-in.

Mono's Future Clears: Xamarin Partners with Attachmate

Attachmate, the company that acquired Novell earlier this year and then laid off virtually all members of the company's Mono team, is now partnering with Xamarin, the startup created by members of that team to continue commercial support of the Mono Project.

MyEclipse Blue + Spring = Bling IDE

Genuitec and Skyway Software today released a new IDE -- MyEclipse Bling -- aimed at IBM shops adopting Spring in their WebSphere-deployable applications.

Eclipse Release Train 'Indigo' Launches 62 Projects

This year's synchronized simultaneous launch of multiple Eclipse projects is the biggest yet, involving the work of 408 developers and 49 organizations contributing to 62 projects.

Java PaaS Provider CloudBees Launches Integrated Partner Ecosystem

The new CloudBees Ecosystem is designed to bring cloud-based services from the company's partners directly to developers within the CloudBees platform.

Survey: 30 Percent of Mobile Apps Earn Less Than $1,000

About 30 percent of mobile developers say they make less than $1,000 per app, according to a new study.

Agile Platform Adds Cloud, Mobile Support

Agile webapps toolmaker Outsystems has released the latest version of its Agile Platform environment. Version 6.0 of the platform comes with new tools for mobile development, an enhanced UI and a series of pre-built business apps designed for easy customizaton.

Oracle's JDeveloper Update Embraces Modularity

Oracle released a major upgrade of its venerable JDeveloper Java IDE this week, along with an update of the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF).

New Developer Opportunities Arrive with Apple's iOS 5, iCloud

Apple took the wraps off of two huge initiatives at its Worldwide Developer Conference this week, both with major implications for its developers.

ALM Product Watch 6/7: Serena's Orchestrated Suite, SmartBear ALMComplete, More

Here's a look at some of the newest ALM-related products hitting the market.

Study: Android Apps Not as Profitable as iPhone Apps

According to a new study, developers writing apps for Android devices face an uphill climb to make money from their efforts despite the platform's unparalleled growth.

Android Dev: Lodsys Sent Me Patent Infringement Letter

Lodsys, a patent holder that has threatened iOS developers with legal action for "infringing" on its patent, may have expanded its targets to include Android developers.

Verizon's First Windows Phone 7 Smartphone Officially Available

Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest mobile carrier, finally has a Windows Phone 7 smartphone to offer the public.

Apple Backs Developers in Lodsys Dispute

Apple has weighed in on the recent dispute between its developers and a company charging patent infringement -- and come down firmly on the side of developers.

Report: Android Leads Global Smartphone Growth Explosion

Smartphone growth continues its meteoric rise globally, with Google's Android operating system outshining all competitors, according to a new study by Gartner.

iOS Devs Sued Over Alleged Patent Violation

In a move that could have implications for the entire mobile development community, developers of apps for Apple's iOS mobile platform are being accused of patent violation and ordered to pay up.

App Engine 1.5.0: Google Adds 'Backends' for Java and Python

Google announced the release of App Engine 1.5.0 at its annual I/O conference, underway this week in San Francisco.

Number of Available Android Apps To Surpass Apple in August

The Android OS, which recently vaulted into the No. 1 spot in terms of smartphone sales, is poised to reach another milestone in August: the mobile platform with the greatest number of available apps.

Java Interface for Geospatial Software Approved

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an organization that develops and promotes standards for geospatial content and services, this week approved the 3.0 version of its GeoAPI Interface Standard.

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