
Free iPhone/iPad App Testing Tool Helps Agile Development

Gorilla Logic this week announced a new version of its free, open source FoneMonkey testing tool for iOS applications.

FoneMonkey 5 is an “open source functional testing tool for iPhone and iPad applications,” the company said in a news release. "FoneMonkey fills a huge gap in the iPhone/iPad developer's toolkit and makes Agile development a reality through automated testing, something that has never been feasible for this critical consumer platform with millions of users worldwide," commented Stu Stern, a co-creator of the tool, and president and CEO of Gorilla Logic. 

The tool records and plays back as a test script all actions taken on an iPhone or iPad, including taps, keyboard actions, dragging and scrolling. Gorilla Logic also said the new version can now generate test scripts in Objective-C for use with OCUnit, or in JavaScript for use with UI Automation tools from Apple.

Test playbacks can be automated, the company said, and the tool works on actual devices and simulators.

The free, open source tool is available for download here.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.

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