
Tomcat Production-Ready Server Coming

Have you ever had this happen: You get an Java Enterprise Edition-based application up and running on a test environment, one using the JEE-compliant Tomcat server, only to have the application not work correctly once it is moved to a production environment that uses some other supposedly-JEE-compliant application server?

Well, now you can keep your apps on a production-ready Tomcat application server called the SpringSource tc Server that Java tool software provider SpringSource will release in January 2009.

"If your application is purely a Web application, meaning that it is developed using servlets and JSPs, and you require distributed management capabilities, advanced diagnostics and enterprise-level support, SpringSource tc Server provides these capabilities, and enables support for Web applications at a significantly lower cost and with a powerful and lightweight solution," said Peter Cooper-Ellis, a SpringSource senior vice president of engineering and product management.

SpringSource's package includes not only the Tomcat server but also a management console and diagnostics capabilities. The company said it also tested the server in a wide variety of configurations for mission-critical-level support and is willing to offer tough service-level agreements (SLAs).

For managing Tomcat, SpringSource tc Server provides a graphical console that allows administrators to start, stop, restart or even decommission multiple instances of the app server. Diagnostic tools include deadlock detection, incremental tracing, and dump and thread information.

Although primarily known as the company behind the open source Spring Java framework, SpringSource is also a contributor of new and fixed code for the open source Tomcat app server.

The SpringSource tc Server will be available for all major operating systems, for both 32- and 64-bit chip architectures, the company said.

About the Author

Joab Jackson is the chief technology editor of Government Computing News.

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