
Curl Announces RIA Dev Tools Beta for Eclipse

On June 9, Curl Inc. announced an open beta of the Curl Enterprise RIA development tools, which now run on the Eclipse platform. These rich Internet application (RIA) tools allow developers to create fat client-type Web applications using the Curl language via the popular Eclipse open development environment.

The RIA tools work in conjunction with Curl Development Tools for Eclipse (CDE) and the Curl Runtime Environment. CDE's features include a language-sensitive editor; integration with the native Eclipse debugger and a visual layout editor. The layout editor has an extension editor, profiler, class browser, inspector and HTTP monitor.

The integration with Eclipse enhances the platform, according to Bert Halstead, Curl's vice president and chief architect.

"By combining the highest-performing enterprise RIA platform, Curl, with the best general-purpose IDE, Eclipse, we are giving programmers with an updated set of development tools," Halstead said.

The previous set of Curl development tools has been deprecated. They will continue to coexist through at least the first generation of Curl CDE.

In related news, Curl Runtime Environment support has been released for Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux operating systems. Curl Nitro has also been released. Nitro allows the embedding of rich media into Curl applications, while also providing support for large datasets and enhanced security.

Curl applications have been used by banks and other industries that require dynamic data exchange at the client app.

About the Author

Will Kraft is a Web designer, technical consultant and freelance writer. He can be reached at [email protected]. Also, check out his blog at

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