
Backbase's RIA Dev Tool Gets Java Support

On Monday Backbase announced its latest rich Internet application (RIA) development environment adds Java frameworks support. The improvements allow Java developers to create fat-clients and dynamic Web applications without having code in JavaScript.

The product, called Enterprise Ajax 4.2 for Java, supports "all popular Java frameworks, including Struts, Spring MVC and Java Server Faces," according to an announcement issued by the company. Java developers can use the product as an alternative to using Adobe's Flex or Microsoft's Silverlight.

Version 4.2 is also notable for its release under a "Community License" in which the product can be used for free provided that users don't exceed two server CPUs per company. The Community License isn't limited by the number of developer seats. The limit is described by the company as "one dual-CPU server or two single-CPU servers per organization." A commercial license is available for larger installations.

Version 4.2 includes a "Data Services"feature that lets users send data to AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)-based widgets and create Java data objects by transforming the XML data. The product contains a library of more than 250 widgets that can be reused.

Version 4.2 also includes support for third-party widgets, such as "Google gadgets, YUI widgets, and more." The product's performance on both the server and client sides was improved with this release, according to Backbase's announcement.

More details about the new features in Backbase's Enterprise Ajax 4.2 for Java development framework can be found here.

About the Author

Kurt Mackie is online news editor, Enterprise Group, at 1105 Media Inc.

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