
Microsoft Creates IT Job Portal for Students

Microsoft has just put the finishing touches on its Students to Business (S2B) portal, an initiative aimed at pairing U.S. college students working toward IT careers with companies that are looking to fill entry-level IT positions.

The S2B portal was developed with the help of Experience Inc., the developer of a popular Web-based college recruiting site, eProNet.

Students attending any of the participating colleges can sign up for the service for free.

Companies can post jobs, with postings starting at $65 per school for entry-level positions and $395 for up to 10 schools for companies looking for experienced candidates or alumni. The service also provides packages at discounted pricing, as well as premium services, such as company logos and links or targeting of ads by region or specific groups.

Currently, 3,800 schools participate in the program. A press release claims to already have more than 10,000 companies participating in the program and seeking candidates for entry-level and intern positions.

A FAQ explains that the program plans to expand listings to sales and marketing positions in the future.

To find out more, click here. To check out the S2B portal, click here.

About the Author

Michael Domingo is executive editor, new media, and editor of You can contact Michael at [email protected].

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