
Novell Enhances Real-Time Linux

Shipping next month, a maintenance update for Novell's SuSE Linux Enterprise Real Time will enhance the operating system's (OS's) performance, incorporate high-availability storage and processor support, and provide support for the Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) 1.2 server and storage connectivity standard.

SuSE Linux Enterprise Real Time is targeted toward large organizations seeking a customizable, open source OS suited to enterprise demands, such as full support and the ability to dependably run mission-critical applications that need deterministic processing and speed.

The upgrade precedes the next iteration of SuSE Linux Enterprise Real Time, which Novell is currently developing. The next version will focus on latency and performance for both applications with fewer threads, as well as massively threaded apps with low-latency requirements.

Novell is also focusing on real-time performance elements, such as kernel locking optimizations, priority inheritance, execution of interrupts in kernel threads with definable priorities, and high-resolution timers that improve synchronization and process accounting.

Novell is beta testing this next version. Interested enterprises can apply online. SuSE Linux Enterprise customers with current subscriptions will be able to upgrade without extra cost.

In tandem with the update, Novell also said it was partnering with on-demand and real-time technology developer Concurrent Computer and backbone and networked computing company Voltaire.

Novell will offer tools using Concurrent's NightStar software analyzer and debugger to help SuSE Linux Enterprise Real Time customers cut data latency and boost data center performance. Likewise, Novell teamed with Voltaire, combining SuSE Linux Enterprise Real Time with Voltaire's Grid Backbone InfiniBand switches, OFED 1.2 and other Voltaire software to enhance transaction rates, reduce latency and boost CPU utilization.

About the Author

David Kopf is a freelance technology writer and marketing consultant, and can be reached at [email protected].

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