
European contest calls for Java and Eclipse innovations

Software & Support Media, owner of several technology magazines and related events, is presenting JAX Innovation Awards for "outstanding" European contributions in Java and Eclipse. The competition is designed to recognize innovation as a key driver of Java and Eclipse dev. A jury will select winners based on their entries' creativity, smartness and practicality, according to the JAX Innovation Award 2006 Web site.

Entries can range from technology, products and open-source projects to ideas, concepts and publications. The contest is open to European participants only, from individuals to corporations and universities.

Several financial awards, donated by Software & Support Media, will be handed out. First prize is 10,000 euros. The prizes will be announced during JAX, Enterprise Architektur Konferenz and Eclipse Forum Europe, three events held in tandem from May 8 to 12 in Wiesbaden, Germany.  

The JAX Innovation Award entry deadline is April 18, 2006. For entry forms, visit JAX.

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