
JetBrains releases TMate 2.0

JetBrains says it has released JetBrains TMate 2.0, a combination Web app and plug-in for the company's Java IDE. That product, IntelliJ IDEA, provides advanced repository management capabilities for users of CVS or Subversion version control systems from a Web browser or from within IntelliJ IDEA. New in JetBrains TMate 2.0 are Subversion features including Local Changesets and Pending Updates.

Source code repositories are packed with useful information, much of it hard to access in useful form. TMate enhances the version control support built into the Java IDE by making additional information available in a simple on-screen form and by keeping development teams aware of changes to their repositories as they happen, the company says. TMate organizes raw data in a powerful, fully customizable Outlook-like tree browser, improving developer productivity, the company says.

"The new Subversion features introduced in TMate 2.0 were previously only available to CVS users," says Alexander Kitaev, the TMate lead developer. "With TMate 2.0 we've made these features available for Subversion users as well."

JetBrains TMate 2.0 is $99 per license and is available for purchase on the JetBrains' website at A 30-day trial is available for download at

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