
Software Offers Real-Time Replication to Adabas

Software AG recently released its Event Applicator for Adabas, a data-replication publishing tool that pushes changes to other databases and applications in real time.

Adabas is SAG’s data management system for large, mission-critical applications. Event Replicator for Adabas pushes changes in Adabase data to multiple databases or apps, synchronizing updated information across a company’s IT systems. The tool also updates hot, standby systems at one or more remote locations in real time.

Organizations offload queries and reporting to a current copy of a production database through Event Replicator so it won’t hinder online transactions handled by the primary database.

Event Replicator automatically replicates updates, additions and deletions to Adabas data sets. It then selectively delivers only the changed data fields downstream to RDBMSes, such as DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and Sybase, and to devices and apps that use XML. The data is changed to the appropriate format without changing the application or device.

It creates subscription definitions, developing fine, grained source and target definitions from Predict metadata. Event Replicator offers a two-way gate for replication, allowing the target Adabas database to become the primary database. It also replicates data to other database management systems.

The tool also restarts and recovers replicated transactions, and provides communication checkpoints between origin and target for recovery. Other features of Event Replicator include flushing all queues and buffers of replication data, restarting the replication server or database without stopping the replication process, showing current active and any available subscriptions to offer statistical information about the replication system, and providing periodic system message option to check out a system’s health.

Event Replicator is available now for the IBM mainframe. Other versions are due in early 2006.

About the Author

Kathleen Ohlson is senior editor at Application Development Trends magazine.

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