Portals opening up

App servers: Up from middleware- ADTmag.com
A few elements defined the first app servers. Now vendors are moving up the stack, and including easier to program portals in the mix. They adhere to Java standards, to boot!

What’s real at Fleet?
Bank delivers business intelligence information through a portal integrated with a BI suite.
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Sun, M7 join to boost new Java portlet spec
Experts say portlets are the key to portals' ability to provide companies with easy-to-use Web interfaces.
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Recent Portal News

IBM sees big portal opening for Java developers
Java programmers looking for the next wave in software development would do well to investigate opportunities for building portal applications, suggests Brent Ruggles, curriculum architect for WebSphere portal education at IBM.

JBuilder helps to move Mars Rover portal
JBuilder, the Java IDE from Borland Software Corp., was used to develop the Collaborative Information Portal (CIP) that is handling data downloads from the Mars Exploration Rover mission.

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