
Book excerpt: Use force field analysis to drive integration

This article is adapted from Chapter 4 of “Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures: The Savvy Manager’s Guide” by Douglas K. Barry, ISBN 1-55860-906-7, copyright 2003. All rights reserved. This chapter is printed with permission from Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Using Web services for integration takes advantage of recent advances in standards and technology. This will be illustrated by comparing two systems integration technologies with Web services. For each technology, the forces that help and hinder the change are analyzed using a technique called force field analysis. At the end, Web services will be shown as having the least number of restraining forces compared to the other techniques.

Force field analysis is a technique that can help us get a perspective on the forces at work when trying to make changes. This approach to analyzing change was developed by Kurt Lewin, a psychologist, who is best known for his field theory that will be used here.

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