
Borland joins Together and .NET

Borland has expanded its Together analysis and design tools with the unveiling last week of Together Edition for Visual Studio .NET, which company reps say can provide architects and developers with a clear view of software development.

"The solution is not a portal for Java or J2EE solutions; it's really a native C# offering," said Michael Faisst, director of product management and product marketing for Borland's Together Solutions group, formed following Borland's acquisition of TogetherSoft last year. The idea, he said, is to allow two normally separate groups to see projects in the same way.

"Traditionally, architects and developers have been disconnected. This is a modeling and design solution that supports architects in building their pictures, [and that] supports developers by giving them a high-level view of the application by looking at the code," explained Faisst. "More interestingly, it allows developers to utilize some of the capabilities of an architect. Being able to seamlessly migrate from one to the other or switch between one and the other, I can develop my source code and see what it looks like in the model, and gradually start modeling rather than just coding, or vice versa."

Faisst added that Together Edition, which is fully integrated with Visual Studio .NET, can speed the integration of legacy or third-party code into new projects.

"If it's your own code, you probably remember pretty well what you've built; if it's someone else's code, it gives you an immediate understanding of how the code relates to each other," noted Faisst. "We use the phrase, 'A picture is worth a thousand lines of code.' If you have the source code files, it's probably easy to understand what that source code consists of. But how it relates to other source files is probably pretty complex, so you need a higher level tool to actually do that."

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