
Borland's Sidewinder targets Windows 2003 Server

Notable among the software companies on hand at the recent rollout of Windows 2003 Server was Borland. While the longtime tools stalwart has steadily gained a leadership position in Java development, it is the most prominent independent software tools maker to target Microsoft's .NET component framework, which now enjoys a ready-made platform with Windows 2003 Server.

Borland showed off the latest incarnation of its evolving life-cycle management strategy for the Microsoft .NET Framework last week at Microsoft's splashy Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 launch event in San Francisco. The suite of products addresses Borland's strategy for application life-cycle management, which "integrates the definition, design, development, testing, deployment, and management stages of the software application lifecycle."

Included in this suite is Borland's new integrated development environment, the Borland C# Builder IDE, which was announced earlier this year under the code name "Sidewinder." Borland is billing the new IDE as the first independent development environment for the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Borland's tailored approach to .NET app life-cycle management combines several products with the new IDE, including the CaliberRM requirements-management software; the Together ControlCenter design and analysis tools; the Optimizeit Profiler for the Microsoft .NET Framework; and the StarTeam collaboration and change management system.

Borland is also the first licensee of the Microsoft .NET Framework Software Developer Kit for distribution, said Frank Slootman, Borland's vice president of software products.

"Borland solutions offer freedom of choice and better management throughout the entire application life cycle," Slootman said. Borland will provide complete application life-cycle management solutions that "help to accelerate the delivery of their .NET Connected applications," he said.

According to Slootman, Borland will fully support Windows Server 2003 as the deployment platform for .NET applications. Borland's InterBase embedded database is Windows Server 2003-ready, he added.


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About the Author

John K. Waters is a freelance writer based in Silicon Valley. He can be reached at [email protected].

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