
Sun to recast developer portal

[Programmers Report/March 25, 2003] - Sun Microsystems will update its approach to its online development community with a series of moves focused on improving access, content and training. Known as the Sun Developer Network, the updated Sun site will bring Java, Solaris, NetBean and other Sun developer groups together under one banner. The site will look to increase the number of developers formally signed up for Sun's online developer programs.

Sun will use means derived in its Web-based identity Liberty Alliance Project work to enable Sun Developer Network to easily access third-party sites with additional development information, said Drew Engstrom, senior marketing strategy manager for Web services, who added that Java handset tools makers were a good example of such potential third-party tool and developer information providers. The announcement was made at the Web Services Edge Conference in Boston.

Meanwhile, Sun also announced availability of its SunONE Web Service Platform Developer Edition, available at a promotional price of $999. It includes an app server, portal server, EAI server and Identity server for development. Too often these days, said Engstrom, the onus is on the developer to be an integrator of "all things middleware." The new platform is an attempt to ease integration and installation tasks for people that just want to get on with their programming work, indicated Engstrom.

Sun avers that its approach to developers allows technology to evolve and create markets and standards, "rather than locking developers into proprietary platforms."

The expanded program and portal are accessed via the flagship developer portal.


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About the Author

Jack Vaughan is former Editor-at-Large at Application Development Trends magazine.

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