
In Brief: JProbe update, new messaging spec and accelerating XML security

[MARCH 18, 2003/ADT'S PROGRAMMERS REPORT] - Quest Software has released Version 5.0 of JProbe Suite, which adds new investigative capabilities for Java and J2EE developers. JProbe 5.0 provides Java performance profiling, memory debugging, code coverage and thread analysis capabilities in one integrated toolset ... XML accelerator maker DataPower Technology and XML IDE house Altova have forged a partnership that links XMLSPY 5 with the DataPower XS40 XML Security Gateway. DataPower reps say this allows centralized XML Web services security without the need to alter design or deployment ... Microsoft, IBM, BEA and Tibco have published specifications for WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Addressing. These specs describe a common architecture comprising protocols, message formats and interfaces. To see the spec, go to

About the Author

Scott Adams is a senior software engineer for TeamQuest.

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